Developer ID

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Developer ID certificates are unique identifiers from Apple that assure users that you are a trusted developer.

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Encountering Difficulty Importing Developer ID Application Certificate into iCloud Keychain
Hello fellow developers, I've come across a bit of a challenge and would appreciate some insights. I successfully backed up my Developer ID Application certificate as a .p12 file and smoothly imported it into my login keychain. However, when attempting to import it into my iCloud keychain for an added layer of backup security, I encountered two error messages: "One object could not be imported." "The selected keychain could not be found." Any thoughts or suggestions on resolving this hiccup would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for your expertise!
Jan ’24
Code signing, OS versions, and an older Macbook Pro
Have been working on a Java Open Source project for 8 years with the last 2+ years on a cross-platform desktop GUI for it with a separate updater. The self-contained application runs on Linux and Windows - now I'm trying to figure-out Mac. Have had a Macbook Pro 13" Late 2013 Retina running Big Sur 11.7.10 for 3 weeks. Very new to Apple, but a retired 48-year engineer trying to support MacOS for the first time. Building with Ant and appbundler task,, then creating a DMG with DMG Canvas, Deliberately supporting older systems due to the nature of this data management and back-up application. It's been adapted to the MacOS look 'n feel. Questions: If I sign-up as an Apple Developer and pay the fee will this 2013 Macbook Pro still be able to sign DMG files - that will work on the latest MacOS - after the end-of-support in December 2023? For a updater: Should both the main application and separate updater both be signed? The basic process is: Download updater into system temp folder, prepare and execute updater, stop desktop application, updater downloads new version, prepares and copies update to installed location, then restarts desktop application and ends the updater. I'm old and have setup this Open Source project and web site so that it can be passed-off to others when I stop, one way or another. Can the developer account or certificate credentials be transferred to someone else at that time? Guidance for a noob would be appreciated. Thank you for your time. The project, not released yet:
Nov ’23
Anfrage nach Technischen Spezifikationen für iPhone SE (Modellnummer MMXN3ZD/A)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ich wende mich an Sie als Entwickler im Rahmen eines akademischen Projektes. Aktuell arbeite ich an meiner Bachelorarbeit, in der ich eine mobile Anwendung für iOS-Geräte entwickle. Für den Erfolg dieses Projektes ist es essentiell, präzise Informationen über die Hardware-Komponenten spezifischer iPhone-Modelle zu haben, insbesondere des iPhone SE mit der Modellnummer MMXN3ZD/A und der iOS-Version 17.1.1. Mein Hauptinteresse liegt in den genauen technischen Spezifikationen der im iPhone SE verbauten LEDs und des CCD- oder CMOS-Bildsensors (je nachdem, ******* Typ verwendet wird). Für mein Projekt ist es entscheidend, die spektralen Eigenschaften dieser Komponenten zu verstehen: LED-Spezifikationen: Ich benötige Informationen über die Spektren der LEDs, insbesondere welche Wellenlängen des Lichts sie emittieren. Dies ist relevant für die Funktionalität meiner App, die sich auf fotometrische Analysen stützt. CCD-/CMOS-Sensorspezifikationen: Des Weiteren ist es wichtig für mich zu wissen, für welche Wellenlängen der im Gerät verbaute Sensor empfindlich ist. Diese Information ist kritisch, um die Interaktion zwischen dem Sensor und der beleuchteten Umgebung korrekt zu interpretieren. Die Ergebnisse meiner Forschung und Entwicklung werden nicht nur für meine akademische Arbeit von Bedeutung sein, sondern könnten auch wertvolle Einblicke für die Weiterentwicklung von iOS-Anwendungen in meinem Studienbereich bieten. Ich wäre Ihnen sehr dankbar, wenn Sie mir diese Informationen zur Verfügung stellen könnten oder mich an eine entsprechende Abteilung oder Ressource verweisen würden, wo ich diese spezifischen technischen Daten erhalten kann. Vielen Dank im Voraus für Ihre Unterstützung und Kooperation. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Mohammad Jbeh
Nov ’23
CSSMERR_TP_NOT_TRUSTED for Developer ID certificate
Hey everybody, We're trying to migrate from one CI to another and we've met a problem. Our setup is mostly Fastlane+match so there are little build changes in terms of CI, but the same certificate we used on prev CI doesn't work on the new one (we have both CIs now and the same commit passes on the old one and fails on the new one). Two steps from the match with installing certs: Output of security find-identity These are virtual machines.
Nov ’23
Notarizing installer package; which certificate?
I am having troubles notarizing an installer package. I created an installer package using the pkgbuild and productbuild, and then I tried to notarize it with notarytool, but I got an error message. The error message led me to Use a valid Developer ID certificate, which includes the statement Sign installer packages with a Developer ID Installer certificate The app is signed with the team Developer ID and is notarized (via Xcode). I signed both packages (during pkgbuild and productbuild) with a certificate created when I clicked Mac Installer Distribution in the developer portal, and it created a certificate named "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: my company" Is this the wrong certificate? If it is the wrong certificate, which one should I create in the developer portal? (I didn't see anything specified as "Developer ID Installer") If it is the right certificate, any idea what I might have done wrong? Note: The reason I am trying to notarize the installer package is because when I tried testing the installer in my test VM, I received the following message (I thought signing the pkg would have prevented this):
Nov ’23
Testing a Notarised Product
To ship a product outside of the Mac App Store, you must notarise it. The notary service issues a notarised ticket, and the ultimate consumer of that ticket is Gatekeeper. However, Gatekeeper does not just check the ticket; it also applies a variety of other checks, and it’s possible for those checks to fail even if your notarised ticket is just fine. To avoid such problems showing up in the field, test your product’s compatibility with Gatekeeper before shipping it. To do this: Set up a fresh machine, one that’s never seen your product before. If your product supports macOS 10.15.x, x < 4, the best OS version to test with is 10.15.3 [1]. Download your product in a way that quarantines it (for example, using Safari). Disconnect the machine from the network. It might make sense to skip this step. See the discussion below. Install and use your product as your users would. If the product is signed, notarised, and stapled correctly, everything should work. If not, you’ll need to investigate what’s making Gatekeeper unhappy, fix that, and then retest. For detailed advice on that topic, see Resolving Trusted Execution Problems. Run this test on a fresh machine each time. This is necessary because Gatekeeper caches information about your product and it’s not easy to reset that cache. Your best option is to do this testing on a virtual machine (VM). Take a snapshot of the VM before the first test, and then restore to that snapshot when you want to retest. Also, by using a VM you can disable networking in step 3 without disrupting other work on your machine. The reason why you should disable networking in step 3 is to test that you’ve correctly stapled the notarised ticket on to your product. If, for some reason, you’re unable to do that stapling, it’s fine to skip step 3. However, be aware that this may cause problems for a user if they try to deploy your product to a Mac that does not have access to the wider Internet. For more background on this, see The Pros and Cons of Stapling. [1] macOS 10.15.4 fixes a bug that made Gatekeeper unnecessarily strict (r. 57278824), so by testing on 10.15.3 you’re exercising the worst case. The process described above is by far the best way to test your Gatekeeper compatibility because it accurately tests how your users run your product. However, you can also run a quick, albeit less accurate test, using various command-line tools. The exact process depends on the type of product you’re trying to check: App — Run spctl like this: % spctl -a -t exec -vvv Disk image — Run spctl like this: % spctl -a -t open -vvv --context context:primary-signature WaffleVarnish.dmg Installer package — Run spctl like this: % spctl -a -t install -vvv WaffleVarnish.pkg Other code — Run codesign like this: % codesign -vvvv -R="notarized" --check-notarization WaffleVarnish.bundle Note The last command requires macOS 10.15 or later. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Revision history: 2023-10-20 Added links to Resolving Trusted Execution Problems and The Pros and Cons of Stapling. Made other minor editorial changes. 2021-02-26 Fixed the formatting. 2020-04-17 Added the section discussing spctl. 2020-03-25 First version.
Oct ’23
Weird Files and Folder Permissions behavior (OS X Bug)
Hi All,I have noticed some really strange behavior with File and Folder Permissions on Catalina 10.15(19A603). I have done some simple tests such as using a text editor to read, view, create, update a file in Documents and I was able to successfully perform these operations even though I did NOT give the text editor File and Folder permissions. I also did not give the text editor Full Disk Access permissions.My question is this normal behavior, is this a bug? This seems to defeat the point of the permssions. These programs to not have permissions but they seem to work just fine.I have noticed some othe applications requesting permissions to so and when I Do Not Allow, they do not have access to read or write to specific files and folders. Does seem like consitent behavior.Edit: This is related to an issue we are experiencing. We develop a File/Folder sharing Application and some users who upgraded to Catalina are experiencing bad behavior because our App cannot read/write to their folder. What is strange is other users experienced no issues. I have personally experienced these cases below:1. MacOS notifies me to allow the App Folder/FIle permissions and I grant the app permission. (Everything works fine)2. App has no permissions and MacOS does not prompt me to allow Folder/File permission. (App Fails)3. App has no permissions but can still perform operations on Documents and Folders. (What?! This is really weird.)I have no idea what is going on here, just need some clarification as to what the behavior should be and what work needs to be done on our end.
Oct ’23
How to delete certificates?
How to delete certificates from "Certificates, Identifiers &amp;amp; Profiles?" I have a new Mac and need to create new certificate for it but there is no option of deleting or editing of the existing certificates. When trying to add a new one the option is greyed out with the following commend: Developer ID Application This certificate is used to code sign your app for distribution outside of the Mac App Store. Maximum number of certificates generated.
Oct ’23
The Care and Feeding of Developer ID
I regularly see folks run into problems with their Developer ID signing identities. Historically I pointed them to my posts on this thread, but I’ve decided to collect these ideas together in one place. If you have questions or comments, start a new thread here on DevForums and tag it with Developer ID so that I see it. IMPORTANT Nothing I write here on DevForums is considered official documentation. It’s just my personal ramblings based on hard-won experience. There is a bunch of official documentation that covers the topics I touch on here, including: Xcode documentation Xcode Help Developer Account Help Developer > Support > Certificates For a lot more information about code signing, see the Code Signing Resources pinned post. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" The Care and Feeding of Developer ID Most Apple signing assets are replaceable. For example, if you accidentally lose access to your Apple Development signing identity, it’s a minor inconvenience. Just use the Developer website to revoke your previous certificate and create a replacement. Or have Xcode do that for you. IMPORTANT If you don’t understand the difference between a certificate and a digital identity, and hence signing identity, read Certificate Signing Requests Explained before reading this post. Some signing assets are precious. Losing access to such assets has significant consequences. Foremost amongst those are Developer ID signing identities. These allow you to sign Mac products that ship independently. Anyone with access to your Developer ID signing identity can sign code as you. This has a number of consequences, both for you and for your relationship with Apple. Identify a Developer ID Signing Identity A Developer ID signing identity consists of two parts: the certificate and the private key. There are two different flavours, identifiable by the subject name in the certificate: Developer ID Application — This is named Developer ID Application: TTT, where TTT identifies your team. Use this to sign code and disk images. Developer ID Installer — This is named Developer ID Installer: TTT, where TTT identifies your team. Use this to sign installer packages. Note If you do KEXT development, there’s a third flavour, namely a KEXT-enabled Developer ID Application signing identity. For more details, see KEXT Code Signing Problems. This post focuses on traditional signing identities, where you manage the private key. Xcode Cloud introduced cloud signing, where signing identities are “stored securely in the cloud”. These identities have the Managed suffix in Certificates, Identifiers, and Profiles. For example, Developer ID Application Managed is the cloud signing equivalent of Developer ID Application. To learn more about cloud signing, watch WWDC 2021 Session 10204 Distribute apps in Xcode with cloud signing. To identify these certificates ‘in the wild’, see Identifying a Cloud Managed Signing Certificate. Limit Access to Developer ID Anyone with your Developer ID signing identity can sign code as you. Given that, be careful to limit access to these signing identities. This is true both for large organisations and small developers. In a large organisation, ensure that only folks authorised to ship code on behalf of your organisation have access to your Developer ID signing identities. Most organisations have some sort of release process that they use to build, test, and authorise a release. This often involves a continuous integration (CI) system. Restrict CI access to only those folks involved in the release process. Even if you’re a small developer with no formal release process, you can still take steps to restrict access to Developer ID signing identities. See Don’t Leak Your Private Key, below. In all cases, don’t use your Developer ID signing identities for day-to-day development. That’s what Apple Development signing identities are for. Create Developer ID Signing Identities as the Account Holder Because Developer ID signing identities are precious, the Developer website will only let the Account Holder create them. For instructions on how to do this, see Developer Account Help > Create certificates > Create Developer ID certificates. For more information about programme roles, see Developer > Support > Program Roles. IMPORTANT In an Organization team it’s common for the Account Holder to be non-technical. They may need help getting this done. For hints and tips on how to avoid problems while doing this, see Don’t Lose Your Private Key and Don’t Leak Your Private Key, both below. Limit the Number of Developer ID Signing Identities You Create Don’t create Developer ID signing identities unnecessarily. Most folks only need to create one. Well, one Developer ID Application and maybe one Developer ID Installer. A large organisation might need more, perhaps one for each sub-unit, but that’s it. There are two reasons why this is important: The more you have, the more likely it is for one to get into the wrong hands. Remember that anyone with your Developer ID signing identity can sign code as you. The Developer website limits you to 5 Developer ID certificates. Note I can never remember where this limit is actually documented, so here’s the exact quote from this page: You can create up to five Developer ID Application certificates and up to five Developer ID Installer certificates using either your developer account or Xcode. Don’t Lose Your Private Key There are two standard processes for creating a Developer ID signing identity: Developer website — See Developer Account Help > Create certificates > Create Developer ID certificates. Xcode — See Xcode Help > Maintaining signing assets > Manage signing certificates. Both processes implicitly create a private key in your login keychain. This makes it easy to lose your private key. For example: If you do this on one Mac and then get a new Mac, you might forget to move the private key to the new Mac. If you’re helping your Organization team’s Account Holder to create a Developer ID signing identity, you might forget to export the private key from their login keychain. It also makes it easy to accidentally leave a copy of the private key on a machine that doesn’t need it; see Don’t Leak Your Private Key, below, for specific advice on that front. Every time you create a Developer ID signing identity, it’s a good idea to make an independent backup of it. For advice on how to do that, see Back Up Your Signing Identities, below. That technique is also useful if you need to copy the signing identity to a continuous integration system. If you think you’ve lost the private key for a Developer ID signing identity, do a proper search for it. Finding it will save you a bunch of grief. You might be able to find it on your old Mac, in a backup, in a backup for your old Mac, and so on. For instructions on how to extract your private key from a general backup, see Recover a Signing Identity from a Mac Backup. If you’re absolutely sure that you previous private key is lost, use the Developer website to create a replacement signing identity. If the Developer website won’t let you create any more because you’ve hit the limit discussed above, talk to Developer Programs Support. Go to Apple > Developer > Contact Us and follow the path Development and Technical > Certificates, Identifiers, and Provisioning Profiles. Don’t Leak Your Private Key Anyone with your Developer ID signing identity can sign code as you. Thus, it’s important to take steps to prevent its private key from leaking. A critical first step is to limit access to your Developer ID signing identities. For advice on that front, see Limit Access to Developer ID, above. In an Organization team, only the Account Holder can create Developer ID signing identities. When they do this, a copy of the identity’s private key will most likely end up in their login keychain. Once you’ve exported the signing identity, and confirmed that everything is working, make sure to delete that copy of the private key. Some organisations have specific rules for managing Developer ID signing identities. For example, an organisation might require that the private key be stored in a hardware token, which prevents it from being exported. Setting that up is a bit tricky, but it offers important security benefits. Even without a hardware token, there are steps you can take to protect your Developer ID signing identity. For example, you might put it in a separate keychain, one with a different password and locking policy than your login keychain. That way signing code for distribution will prompt you to unlock the keychain, which reminds you that this is a significant event and ensures that you don’t do it accidentally. If you believe that your private key has been compromised, follow the instructions in the Compromised Certificates section of Developer > Support > Certificates. Back Up Your Signing Identities Given that Developer ID signing identities are precious, consider making an independent backup of them. To back up a signing identity to a PKCS#12 (.p12) file: Launch Keychain Access. At the top, select My Certificates. On the left, select the keychain you use for signing identities. For most folks this is the login keychain. Select the identity. Choose File > Export Items. In the file dialog, select Personal Information Exchange (.p12) in the File Format popup. Enter a name, navigate to your preferred location, and click Save. You might be prompted to enter the keychain password. If so, do that and click OK. You will be prompted to enter a password to protect the identity. Use a strong password and save this securely in a password manager, corporate password store, on a piece of paper in a safe, or whatever. You might be prompted to enter the keychain password again. If so, do that and click Allow. The end result is a .p12 file holding your signing identity. Save that file in a secure location, and make sure that you have a way to connect it to the password you saved in step 9. Remember to backup all your Developer ID signing identities, including the Developer ID Installer one if you created it. To restore a signing identity from a backup: Launch Keychain Access. Choose File > Import Items. In the open sheet, click Show Options. Use the Destination Keychain popup to select the target keychain. Navigate to and select the .p12 file, and then click Open. Enter the .p12 file’s password and click OK. If prompted, enter the destination keychain password and click OK. Alternatively, Xcode has a feature to export and import your developer account, including your Developer ID signing identities. Do this using the action menu in Xcode > Settings > Accounts. For the details, see Xcode Help > Maintaining signing assets > Export signing certificates and provisioning profiles. Recover a Signing Identity from a Mac Backup If you didn’t independently backup your Developer ID signing identity, you may still be able to recover it from a general backup of your Mac. To start, work out roughly when you created your Developer ID signing identity: Download your Developer ID certificate from the Developer website. In the Finder, Quick Look it. The Not Valid Before field is the date you’re looking for. Now it’s time to look in your backups. The exact details depend on the backup software you’re using, but the basic process runs something like this: Look for a backup taken shortly after the date you determined above. In that backup, look for the file ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain. Recover that to a convenient location, like your desktop. Don’t put it in ~/Library/Keychains because that’ll just confuse things. Rename it to something unique, like login-YYYY-MM-DD.keychain, where YYYY-MM-DD is the date of the backup. In Keychain Access, choose File > Add Keychain and, in the resulting standard file panel, choose that .keychain file. On the left, select login-YYYY-MM-DD. Chose File > Unlock Keychain “login-YYYY-MM-DD“. In the resulting password dialog, enter your login password at the date of the backup. At the top, select My Certificates. Look through the list of digital identities to find the Developer ID identity you want. If you don’t see the one you’re looking for, see Further Recovery Tips below. Export it using the process described at the start of Back Up Your Signing Identities. Once you’re done, remove the keychain from Keychain Access: On the left, select the login-YYYY-MM-DD keychain. Choose File > Delete Keychain “login-YYYY-MM-DD”. In the confirmation alert, click Remove Reference. The login-YYYY-MM-DD.keychain is now just a file. You can trash it, keep it, whatever, at your discretion. This process creates a .p12 file. To work with that, import it into your keychain using the process described at the end of Back Up Your Signing Identities. IMPORTANT Keep that .p12 file as your own independent backup of your signing identity. Further Recovery Tips If, in the previous section, you can’t find the Developer ID identity you want, there are a few things you might do: Look in a different backup. If your account has more than one keychain, look in your other keychains. If you have more than one login account, look at the keychains for your other accounts. If you have more than one Mac, look at the backups for your other Macs. The login-YYYY-MM-DD keychain might have the private key but not the certificate. Add your Developer ID certificate to that keychain to see if it pairs with a private key. Revision History 2023-10-05 Added the Recover a Signing Identity from a Mac Backup and Further Recovery Tips sections. 2023-06-23 Added a link to Identifying a Cloud Managed Signing Certificate. 2023-06-21 First posted.
Oct ’23
Cannot import a Developer ID Application certificate: Error -25294
I looked at other posts with this problem and didn't find anything that worked. I used Keychain Access and Certificate Assistant to create a CSR; I uploaded that on the portal. Downloaded the certificate, and I get that error whenever I try to import it. I can import it into the System one, but then it's untrusted, and I still can't export it as a p12 file. This is one of the few times I did everything by reading the documentation as I did it, so I'm very confused.
Oct ’23
Exporting a Developer ID Network Extension
macOS allows you to independently distribute a Network Extension using Developer ID signing, but with an important wrinkle. This post explains that wrinkle, its affect on Xcode, and how you get around it. If you have questions or comments, put them in a new thread here on DevForums. Tag it with Network Extension so that I see it. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + "" Exporting a Developer ID Network Extension macOS supports a variety of Network Extension (NE) provider types. Starting with macOS 10.15, it’s possible to distribute an app containing NE providers independently, using Developer ID signing. See TN3134 Network Extension provider deployment for the full list of supported provider types. For your NE provider to work when distributed independently, it must: Be packaged as a system extension. Use Developer ID specific entitlements This post is focused on that second point, because it’s common source of confusion. This post assumes that you’re building your app with Xcode; if you’re building your app outside of Xcode, you’ll have to adapt these steps to your build system. Entitlement Matters A Network Extension system extension and its container app must be signed with the Network Extension entitlement ( That entitlement is an array, with a variety of different element values based on the provider type. For example, a standard NE content filter provider must include the content-filter-provider value. There are two groups of these values: the standard ones and the ones with the -systemextension suffix. During development and for App Store distribution, use the appropriate standard value. For independent distribution using Developer ID, use the corresponding value with the -systemextension suffix. For example, a Developer ID signed NE content filter must use content-filter-provider-systemextension instead of content-filter-provider. Xcode Issues Xcode is currently not aware of this requirement. If you build your NE provider container app using Xcode, you might expect to export it for independent distribution using the Direct Distribution workflow in the Xcode organiser. This does not work (r. 108838909). To get around this, manually export your app from your Xcode archive. Before attempting that, there’s a few things to confirm: By default Xcode’s Signing & Capabilities editor uses the standard values for the NE entitlement. Leave them that way. During day-to-day development it’s best to use an Apple Development signing identity [1], and the standard values work with that. Continue to use Build > Archive [2] to create an Xcode archive for your product. The steps below replace the Direct Distribution workflow, and they assume you’re starting with an Xcode archive. [1] Don’t use Developer ID for day-to-day development; see The Care and Feeding of Developer ID for more on that topic. [2] Or, if you’re automating this, the archive action in xcodebuild. Assemble Your Assets Imagine you’re working on a content filter for the Mac called WaffleFilter. You’ve used Xcode to build the app into an Xcode archive: % ls "WaffleFilter.xcarchive/Products/Applications" That app is development signed: % codesign -d -vvv "WaffleFilter.xcarchive/Products/Applications/" … Authority=Apple Development: … … IMPORTANT The steps in this section are based on the much more comprehensive instructions in Creating Distribution-Signed Code for Mac. If anything is unclear, read that post for clarification. To re-sign this app for independent distribution you’ll need three things: A Developer ID application signing identity. This is named Developer ID Application: TTT, where TTT identifies your team. A Developer ID provisioning profile for the app. In this example I’ve called this WaffleFilter_Dev_ID.provisionprofile. A Developer ID provisioning profile for the system extension. In this example I’ve named this WaffleFilter_WFProvider_DevID.provisionprofile. If you’re not sure how to create these things, see Developer Account Help. Re-sign the App To start, make a copy of the app: % ditto "WaffleFilter.xcarchive/Products/Applications/" "" Dump the entitlements of the app and its embedded system extension: % codesign -d --entitlements "WaffleFilter.entitlements" --xml "" % codesign -d --entitlements "WaffleFilter_WFProvider.entitlements" --xml "" And reformat them to make them more readable: % plutil -convert xml1 "WaffleFilter.entitlements" % plutil -convert xml1 "WaffleFilter_WFProvider.entitlements" Now edit these files to add the -systemextension suffix. The result will look something like this: % cat "WaffleFilter.entitlements" … <dict> … <key></key> <array> <string>content-filter-provider-systemextension</string> </array> … </dict> </plist> % cat "WaffleFilter_WFProvider.entitlements" … <dict> … <key></key> <array> <string>content-filter-provider-systemextension</string> </array> … </dict> </plist> Before you re-sign with these entitlements, replace the embedded provisioning profiles with their Developer ID profiles variants: % cp "WaffleFilter_Dev_ID.provisionprofile" "" % cp "WaffleFilter_WFProvider_DevID.provisionprofile" "" Now re-sign the app and the system extension with their new entitlements, from the inside out: % codesign -s "Developer ID Application" -f --entitlements "WaffleFilter_WFProvider.entitlements" --timestamp -o runtime "" replacing existing signature % codesign -s "Developer ID Application" -f --entitlements "WaffleFilter.entitlements" --timestamp -o runtime "" replacing existing signature If you have multiple Developer ID Application signing identities, you’ll need to replace Developer ID Application with the name of the specific identity you want to use. IMPORTANT If your app contains other code items, like frameworks or an app extension, re-sign those as well. For advice on how to manually re-sign a more complex app, see Creating Distribution-Signed Code for Mac. And you’re done! Manually Notarise Xcode’s Direct Distribution workflow also deals with notarisation. As you’re not using that workflow, manually notarise your app. For advice on how to do that, see Customizing the notarization workflow. You should also look at Packaging Mac Software for Distribution, which has a bunch of general info about packaging Mac apps.
Sep ’23
Error when attempt to Notarize a compiled python code
Hello, I have a valid developer ID downloaded from Apple. I signed the code (compiled exe file for intel Macs) and put it into a ZIP, which I also signed. While signing I use timestamp and hardener option: codesign -s "$LbaDevID" -o runtime -f --timestamp $conFile3 codesign -s "$LbaDevID" -o runtime -f --timestamp $conZip3 where variable $LbaDevID represent my Dev code id (VALID, downloaded from Apple after request cert; and $conFile3 the path to the exe file and $conZip3 the path to the ZIP (just $conFile3 zipped) I attempt to notarize using the following command: xcrun notarytool submit $compZip3 --keychain-profile "TestAppNotarz" --wait the reply Log downloaded says: Invalid dev ID (which is valid) no timestamp... I corrected this error after the 1st attempt but the reply says exactly the same, even when I can see "TIMESTAMP" in the signature. The third and last error refers to the runtime, which is present but not being seen. Any help on how to troubleshoot this issue will be highly appreciated! Please point me to the relevant documentation to solve this issue...
Sep ’23
How to correctly use the developer ID to implement program distribution
Currently, I have implemented a project that includes network extension and system extension entitlements. When I create the profile using the development method, I get exactly the right entitlement matching. For example: create app id (identifier) create a profile, associate with the corresponding app id, generate the profile and download it locally. In xcode, fill in the corresponding app id in Bundle Identifier, such as com.***, and fill in the corresponding development profile in Provisioning Profile. At this point I was able to achieve a complete and correct program compiling and running. Now, I want to distribute this app by developer id. According to , I have several questions remain: I followed this method to create a distribution certificate and created two new profiles (distribute- developer id), which is associated with the existing bundle ID (com.***, com.***.test.extension). But when I import the corresponding provisioning profile in xcode, it shows error: Provisioning profile "***" doesn’t match the entitlement file’s value for the entitlement. But isn't the corresponding entitlement information already selected when the app id is set? Why is the profile of the development type feasible, but the profile of the developer id is not feasible? I have made relevant settings according to this method, and I don’t seem to need the hardened runtime and sandbox related content, so I don't have any settings. Maybe apple events in hardened runtime is necessary? Submitting software to apple notarization seems to be a more trustworthy behavior for users, but at this stage I just want to simply implement distribution for program testing, so I chose export in archives-distribute app-developer id, and in the follow-up The same error as in question 1 appeared in the profile selection of the profile: Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement. So, overall: One is how to create the correct developer id profile? My two entitlements files are as follows: &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; &lt;plist version="1.0"&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;content-filter-provider&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;false/&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;true/&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/plist&gt; &lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt; &lt;!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""&gt; &lt;plist version="1.0"&gt; &lt;dict&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;content-filter-provider&lt;/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;false/&gt; &lt;key&gt;;/key&gt; &lt;array&gt; &lt;string&gt;$(TeamIdentifierPrefix);/string&gt; &lt;/array&gt; &lt;/dict&gt; &lt;/plist&gt; Second, is Apple notarization necessary?
Aug ’23
The staple and validate action failed! Error 73.
HiI have a flat pkg that I sucessfully notarised but when I come to staple the ticket I get the following error:"Although we wrote the ticket, the written data did not validate. Please restore thefile.pkg from backup to try again.The staple and validate action failed! Error 73."I did not touch the pkg in teh few minutes it took to receive the confirmaton email. The pkg itself looks notarised when I check it. Strange...
Jul ’23
Stapling Error 65 (Applescript app)
Trying to notarize and AppleScript app following the instructions at Der Flounder (that are based on an Automator app).Code Signing works fineNotarization work fine.However when trying to stape the successful notarization the response to:xcrun stapler staple "/Volumes/HardDrive/"is:Processing: /Volumes/HardDrive/ CloudKit query for (2/936578f9cf6dff6314bdebeba427cac9dab3f7e8) failed due to "record not found". Could not find base64 encoded ticket in response for 2/936578f9cf6dff6314bdebeba427cac9dab3f7e8 The staple and validate action failed! Error 65.
Jul ’23
Certificates: Developer ID Application not found by codesign
Hello! I am having trouble with a Developer ID Application certificate that I have clearly added to the Keychain with Keychain Access not being recognized by codesign or DMG Canvas. Here is the command that DMG Canvas uses to see if there are any certificates for signing: $ /usr/bin/security find-identity -p codesigning Policy: Code Signing Matching identities 0 identities found Valid identities only 0 valid identities found This shows that no certificates are found but there definitely are some. I installed this cert to both the System and login keychains, I tried to the Local Items keychain but this failed with an error I will display below. This image (names redacted) clearly shows the certs are there, valid, and not expired (behind the error) and also shows the error popup for when I try to add the cert to the Local Items keychain: Essentially I am asking why does Keychain Access say that I have the certificates but nothing can find it in order to sign applications. Thank you!
Jul ’23
How to create private keys for developer certificates
I've read just about everything I can regarding this but no one seems to offer any simple steps to resolve this situation. I'm guessing that the original developer certificates were created by an employee who is no longer with our company and his laptop is no longer accessible - it's been wiped. I deleted all the certificates from my keychain and recreated new developer certificates so that we can code sign apps - not for any of the app stores just for distribution on our website. However, none of them have a private key so I need to be able to create private keys for them. Does anyone know how to do this? Every thing I've tried has failed.
Jul ’23