Identifier cannot be registered

On my Mac I made the mistake of reorganizing my development files. I renamed files folders, and application names, and moved some folders around to improve order, and better my ability to navigate the file structure. The result was a corrupted project that I could not fix all the errors on. So I created a new project that has the same name as the old, and copied the files into it. The result in the new after all the old project's files were copied to were these errors of the form:

Failed to register bundle identifier
The app identifier "" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.

No profiles for '' were found
Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ''.

(not the real domain name)

So I logged into my developer account at to delete this certificate, and could not find a way to navigate in my account to where that is done. Is that doable? Where, or How?

I worked around the problem by appending a revision letter to the Bundle Identifier, such that it is now: . I would rather not have to do this when I already have an identifier to use, and also I do not like the idea of accumulating old, and never again used, certificates.

Identifier cannot be registered