Diablo IV - Entering new areas, opening Character menu causes RAM Memory Overflow and screen freezes/crashes

I have a Macbook Pro 16 M1Pro 16Gb Ram MacOS 14 Sonoma Beta 4 and GPT 1.0.2 and currently testing Diablo 4 V 1.04 (latest Update on 08.08.2023).

The game is awesome and it runs in 2560x1440 in 50-60fps on my 4K-LG Display over HDMI very smoothly, until .... see Problem 1 and Problem 2

Graphics details are in full detail. smooth shadows and even FSR2 works perfectly. Diablo4 needs around 9-11 GB Ram on my system. There are no background activities running!

Problem 1: exploring new areas causes Ram Buffer overflow, freezes the screen, and crashes, and a new system reboot is needed.

Problem 2: when trying to buy/sell an item, or just the characters menu will be opened, the game freezes. A game reboot is necessary!

While running the HUD in games I can see what's going on and could analyze, that while it's the case Problem 1 and Problem 2 happening, The RAM jumps from 9-11 GB to 16-18 GB.

This is much more than the System can deliver and cause the screen freezes and crash. Either the whole system reboot or mostly just the game reboot is needed.

Would be very nice if Apple could fix/adjusts GPT in the next versions of Diablo 4.

Many thanks in advanced

This! I thought I was the only one. I have the GPTK hud turned off by default so was curious to find the source of the constant screen tearing and freezing when loading into new areas of the world. When turning the hud back on, I saw the same thing you mentioned about extremely high RAM utilization, which required me to have to reboot my system to get the game to be playable again.

Folks - GPT is for DEVELOPER use

These posts are inappropriate. If you are having issues as an end-user running a specific game, you should reach out to the developer of that game.

This is NOT the game developer's problem! It's about the Apple Porting Kit. In other words, it's about content for the Apple developer and how to improve this program!

Trying to test the game on different Mac configurations with 16 GB and 32 GB Ram shows very clearly that GPTk has a problem with RAM optimization.

The GPTk needs to be optimized in the future version, as well as for other games to run smoothly or at all.

If they are going to release such a tool for the Apple computers, then you better take care of it to run as many games as possible instead of leaving meaningless "none of my business" slogans.

I have experienced the same thing but a) it happens more often when connected to external 4K monitor. Doesn't have to be completely new area, just using teleport to town can cause this. b) when playing on MacBook screen it goes much longer before the RAM overflow happens even though the actions in the game are identical. It seems resolution somehow plays its part in it. Normally I just have to "force" the GPTK to shut down and start again. If I wait too long the whole Mac freezes and has to be restarted. M1 16GB 512GB

Diablo IV - Entering new areas, opening Character menu causes RAM Memory Overflow and screen freezes/crashes