Xcode Organizer: Cannot download crash data for app that contains certain extensions

I have several apps that contain extensions. For example an App Clip, Widget, Background Assets extension, etc.

In Xcode Organizer Version 15.3 (15E204a), attempting to view crash data for these apps results in a failure. I have explicitly seen this error print out the app clip extension bundle identifier, as well as the background assets extension bundle identifier. It says the following error:

An error occurred preventing Xcode from downloading crashes list. "<redacted-email>" failed with error: Access Restricted with bundle id: com.example.app-name.extension-name

Is anyone else experiencing this?

I created a feedback a few weeks ago, it seemed to coincide with the release of Xcode 15.3 and or the new App Store Connect metrics APIs. App IDs and bundle identifiers detailed in the feedback if anyone at Apple wants the info.

FB13677615 - Xcode: Cannot download crashes for apps that containg extensions --> "Access Restricted with bundle id: <insert app with extension here>

Also experiencing this with a widget extension

I am having this exact same issue. I am attempting to get crash logs for an iOS iMessage app extension that has been distributed externally via TestFlight. On top of this Xcode organizer error, I am getting a message on Apple Store Connect under [App Name] > TestFlight > Feedback > Crashes stating I have "No Crash Feedback". This is despite TestFlight reporting 34 crashes. The documentation here clearly states that "TestFlight users of your app automatically share crash reports with you, regardless of the device settings for sharing diagnostic and use data." So I would expect some crash logs somewhere. I've created both a Technical Support Incident and contacted TestFlight support with my developer account. I'll update this forum with updates.

I have the same issue, and the testflight page crash is not all, only shows someone feedback, it's really painful

I resolved it, just set the filter "All Products" to "iOS App", then it will shows as you expected

Xcode Organizer: Cannot download crash data for app that contains certain extensions