My iMac user login script that 30 minutes to start up even though I have tons of hard drive space and just recently slammed it with vanilla MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1.

What should I do?

This isn't an issue for third-party developers, which is what these forums are for. The fact you picked an irrelevant tag ("Apple News") might've suggested to you that you're in the wrong place.

Try over at instead. Thanks.

What should I do?

Explain precisely what happens.

  • How do you know script does not start ?
  • Could you show the script ?
  • Could you explain how you launch the script ?

Note: it seems you never close your threads, even when you've got correct answer. You should do it to keep forum clean and let those who helped know that their answer solved the issue.

My iMac user login script that 30 minutes to start up even though I have tons of hard drive space and just recently slammed it with vanilla MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1.