Apple News Publisher

Hi all this is my first post on the Dev community.
I'm just been approved by Apple News and I have my news channel. My problems is that I can't access on my iPad as I don't have a Mac.

Can anyone tell me if is a known problem? or if there is any way to use it on iPad?

I know with the plug-in you can write your article on CMS but I don't have any of them and I'm writing through iCloud.

Is Apple making the New Publisher accessible to iPad too?



How can I apply for Apple News?

Best, BKD

I have the same question as @gglbackdoor - I've been going around in circles with and and there does not appear to be anywhere to apply / register. Anyone have a working link?

Same problem here. I was approved and publishing articles but suddenly nothing works and I have no way to re-apply, register, or login. The documentation just keeps taking me around in circles. Seems like they are pushing us to using a third-party for access.

Apple News Publisher