Apple Developer 线上活动参与政策

Apple Developer 线上活动参与政策

请仔细阅读以下有关本次 Apple Developer 线上活动 (以下简称“(“活动”) 的条款和条件。你必须同意本 Apple Developer 线上活动参与政策 (以下简称“参与政策”) 的条款和条件,才能注册参与本次活动。注册参与本次活动,即表示你同意在活动结束后通过帐号关联的电子邮件地址接收相关电子邮件,内容包括活动材料和后续会议信息 (如适用)。

除非另有 Apple 提供的书面允许,否则,你必须年满 13 周岁或满足你所在司法管辖区的同等最低年龄要求 (例如,欧盟地区必须年满 16 周岁),才能参与本次活动。此外,你必须同意参与政策,或者如果你未满你所在司法管辖区的成年年龄 (大多数国家或地区为年满 18 周岁),那么你的家长或监护人必须同意参与政策。如果你不同意,则不得申请或参与活动。

一般内容。活动期间 Apple 提供的信息将受到《Apple 开发者协议》、《Apple Developer Program 许可协议》和/或《Apple Developer Enterprise Program 许可协议》(如适用) 的约束。你同意在未经 Apple 事先书面许可的情况下,不会录制活动 (包括但不限于制作音频录音或音视频录像、抓取数据或以其他方式拷贝活动内容) 或发布活动截屏,也不得以其他方式发表、公开展示、分发或传播活动内容 (包括 Apple 提供的、与活动相关的任何内容或材料)。

参与。你可能需要提供姓名或别名才能参与活动。出于提交或回答问题的目的,你的姓名或别名可能会在活动期间显示。Apple 可能会与活动参与者分享你的姓名或别名。因此,请注意你分享的内容,不要分享任何个人或敏感信息。Apple 可能会在活动中回复提交的问题,但没有义务对问题进行回复。如果 Apple 回答了问题,Apple 的意图是提供准确可靠的信息。如果你选择参与本活动相关活动和主题,即表示你理解每人仅允许提交一份注册请求,且你有责任:(a) 使用要求的软件或服务;(b) 遵守软件或服务提供商的条款和条件 (例如,你必须年满 16 周岁才能使用 Slack)。

免责声明。所有活动均按原样,并视可用情况来提供。你需负责准备参与活动所需的互联网和设备。Apple 无法确保活动的质量 (包括但不限于流媒体内容的质量、分辨率或下载速度)。除非 Apple 另行说明,否则所有内容均将采用英语形式。

取消。某些情况下,Apple 可能需要取消活动。对于你是否能在取消之前收到通知,Apple 不做任何保证。Apple 保留随时自行终止活动的权利。

行为准则。Apple 致力于多元化,并为每个人提供免受骚扰的活动体验。无论性别、性别认同和表达、年龄、性取向、残障、外貌、体型、种族、民族、宗教或任何其他属性为何,包括 Apple 员工在内的所有活动参与者均有权享受安全、友好的环境。Apple 保留随时可自行将参与者从活动中移除的权利 (例如,出于不当提问、不当行为或未能遵守本参与政策)。如果你遭遇过违反此行为准则的情况,请联系我们

© 2024 Apple Inc. 保留所有权利。Apple 和 Apple 标志是 Apple Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区注册的商标。

Apple Developer Online Event Attendance Policy

Please read the following terms and conditions of this Apple Developer Online Event (“Event”) carefully. You must agree to the terms and conditions of this Apple Developer Online Event Attendance Policy (“Attendance Policy”) to register for the Event. By registering for this Event, you agree to receive a post-Event email communication containing Event materials, and if applicable, information about follow-up meetings, at the email address associated with your account.

Unless otherwise permitted by Apple in writing, you must be 13 years of age or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction (for example, 16 years of age in the European Union), or older to attend the Event. In addition, you, or your parent or guardian if you are below the age of majority in your jurisdiction (at least 18 years of age in many countries or regions), must agree to the Attendance Policy. If you do not agree, you may not attend or participate in the Event.

General. Information provided by Apple during the Event is subject to the Apple Developer Agreement, Apple Developer Program License Agreement, and/or Apple Developer Enterprise Program License Agreement as applicable. You agree to not record the Event (including, but not limited to, by making audio or audiovisual recordings, scraping, or otherwise copying the Event), or post screenshots or otherwise publish, publicly display, distribute, or disseminate the Event (including any content or materials made available by Apple in connection with the Event), without the prior written consent of Apple.

Participation. You may need to provide a name or an alias to attend the Event. Your name or alias may be displayed during the Event for purposes of submitting or responding to questions, and Event attendees may see your name or alias shared by Apple. So please be mindful of what you share, and don’t share any personal or sensitive information. Apple may respond to submitted questions within the Event but is under no duty to provide a response to a question. If Apple responds to a question, it is Apple’s intent that the information provided is accurate and reliable. If you opt-in to participate in available Event-related activities and topics, you understand that only one registration request is allowed per person, and you are responsible for: (a) using the required software or services, (b) complying with the terms and conditions of the software or service provider (for example, you must be over 16 years of age to use Slack).

Disclaimers. The Event is provided on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis. You are responsible for the internet access and equipment necessary to attend the Event. Apple cannot ensure the quality of the Event (including, but not limited to, the quality of the streaming content, the resolution, or the download speed). All content will be in English, unless otherwise specified by Apple.

Cancellation. Circumstances may arise requiring that Apple cancel the Event, and Apple does not guarantee that you will be informed in advance of such cancellation. Apple reserves the right to terminate the Event at any time in its sole discretion.

Code of Conduct. Apple is committed to diversity and to providing a harassment-free Event experience for everyone. All Event participants, including Apple personnel, have the right to a safe and welcoming environment regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion, or any other attributes. Apple reserves the right to remove an attendee from the Event at any time in its sole discretion (e.g., for inappropriate questions, improper behavior, or for failing to comply with this Attendance Policy). If you have an experience that violates this code of conduct, contact us.

© 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries/regions.