Customize handling of asynchronous events by combining event-processing operators using Combine.

Combine Documentation

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class MyModel: ObservableObject { @Published var selection = FamilyActivitySelection() init() { $selection.sink { newSelection in print(newSelection) } } } class MyView: View { @StateObject var model = MyModel() // some body // .... // my method func removeToken(token: ApplicationToken) { model.selection.applicationTokens.remove(token) } } I am using the above code. When I call removeToken, the callback from the sink (which is registered in init() of MyModel) is called without any changes. newSelection still contains the token that I removed. Currently, I am using the additional code below to work around the problem. .onChange(of: model.selection.applicationTokens) { newSet in model.selection.applicationTokens = newSet } Should I use the workaround solution, or am I missing something?
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I am maintaining a macOS app, a GUI on top of a command line tool. A Process() object is used to kick off the command line tool with arguments. And completion handlers are triggered for post actions when command line tool is completed. My question is: I want to refactor the process to use async and await, and not use completion handlers. func execute(command: String, arguments:[String]) -> async { let task = Process() task.launchPath = command task.arguments = arguments ... do { try } catch let e { let error = e propogateerror(error: error) } ... } ... and like this in calling the process await execute(..) Combine is used to monitor the ProcessTermination: NotificationCenter.default.publisher( for: Process.didTerminateNotification) .debounce(for: .milliseconds(500), scheduler: DispatchQueue.main) .sink { _ in ..... // Release Combine subscribers self.subscriptons.removeAll() }.store(in: &subscriptons) Using Combine works fine by using completion handlers, but not by refactor to async. What is the best way to refactor the function? I know there is a task.waitUntilExit(), but is this 100% bulletproof? Will it always wait until external task is completed?
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I'm just putting this here for visibility, I already submitted FB13688825. If you say this: Task { for await tracks in avPlayerItem.publisher(for: \.tracks, options: [.initial]).values { print("*** fired with: \(tracks.description)") } } fires once with: "*** fired with: []" If you say this: avPlayerItem.publisher(for: \.tracks).sink { [weak self] tracks in print("*** fired with: \(tracks.description)") }.store(in: &subscriptions) get, as expected, multiple fires, most with data in them such as: *** fired with: [<AVPlayerItemTrack: 0x10a9869a0, assetTrack = <AVAssetTrack: 0x10a9869f0... I think it's a bug but I'm just going to go back to the "old way" for now. No emergency.