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Using SwiftData for a MacOS app I have a working Table but I'd like to add recursion to the rows so instead of stopping at the first child level I can get to grandchildren, etc. Tried creating a separate func that calls itself but cannot get working syntax, possibly because this is happening inside a DisclosureTableRow or I just have bad syntax. Instead of calling TableRow(childAccount) I'd like to be able to call a recursive function which determines if each child is treated as a parent or not until there are no more grandchildren. Each Account class object has .parent: Account, .children: [Account], and .isExpanded:Bool (required by the DisclosureTableRow but not changed here). This is the working non-recursive code: ForEach(theAccounts.sorted(using: sortOrder)) { account in // Make this account bindable so can use .isExpanded directly @Bindable var account = account // Check if the account is not a child of any other account to avoid duplcates, if !theAssetAccounts.contains(where: { $0.children?.contains(account) ?? false }) { // If the account has children, display them in a DisclosureTableRow… if let children = account.children, !children.isEmpty { DisclosureTableRow(account, isExpanded: $account.isExpanded) { ForEach(children) { childAccount in TableRow(childAccount) } } } else { // …or if the account has no children, display it in a simple TableRow TableRow(account) } } } } First the singleton theMotherAccount is at the top level then we iterate over an array of other accounts, theAccounts, showing only those that are not themselves children. Any children are then surfaced as part of another DisclosureTableRow. I thought I could just create a recursive func to return either a DisclosureTableRow or a TableRow but have not been able to find acceptable syntax. This is what I thought ought to work: if let children = account.children, !children.isEmpty { return DisclosureTableRow(account, isExpanded: Bindable(account).isExpanded) { ForEach(children) { child in recursiveAccountRow(account: child) } } } else { return TableRow(account) } }
by pikes.
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A user of my software reports that it is not launching on MAC OS Monterey (Intel architecture, a model that cannot be upgraded to MAC OS Ventura). The error message is saying that "the application cannot be opened because it is not compatible with that particular type of Mac" (this is a paraphrase of the user, I haven't seen the actual message, I suspect it is in Portuguese). I am building my Java application as follows: Open JDK 17 Using jpackage for packaging the executable Signing and notarisation following best practice Distribution as a disk image (DMG) Building everything from a MacBook Pro with Ventura 13.4.1 This is working fine for distribution to (many) users with MAC OS Ventura, and it also works fine (with a different build process) for M1 Macs. I do not have an easy possibility to test and/or build with MAC OS Ventura and I do not have a theory where the problem could come from. Is there any way that Mac OS Monterey would not be compatible with a Java app built with the above parameters? If so, which? And: Can I tackle the problem from a MAC OS Ventura machine, or would I need yet another machine with MAC OS Monterey installed? Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Thomas
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We found that crashes occur on some specific devices. But don't know the root cause for it. It only appears on the user side and cannot be reproduced on our local devices. From the stack, a crash occurs inside AVCapture after calling discoverySessionWithDeviceTypes: NSArray<AVCaptureDevice*>* GetVideoCaptureDevices() { NSArray* captureDeviceType = @[ AVCaptureDeviceTypeBuiltInWideAngleCamera, AVCaptureDeviceTypeExternalUnknown ]; AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession* deviceDiscoverySession = [AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession discoverySessionWithDeviceTypes:captureDeviceType mediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo position:AVCaptureDevicePositionUnspecified]; return deviceDiscoverySession.devices; } The following is the crash call stack: OS Version: macOS 13.5 (22G74) Report Version: 104 Crashed Thread: 10301 Application Specific Information: Fatal Error: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION / EXC_I386_INVOP / 0x7ff8194b3522 Thread 10301 Crashed: 0 AppKit 0x7ff8194b3522 -[NSApplication _crashOnException:] 1 AppKit 0x7ff8194b32b3 -[NSApplication reportException:] 2 AppKit 0x7ff819569efa NSApplicationUncaughtExceptionHandler 3 CoreFoundation 0x7ff8161c010a <unknown> 4 libobjc.A.dylib 0x7ff815c597c8 <unknown> 5 libc++abi.dylib 0x7ff815f926da std::__terminate 6 libc++abi.dylib 0x7ff815f92695 std::terminate 7 libobjc.A.dylib 0x7ff815c65929 <unknown> 8 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff815e38046 _dispatch_client_callout 9 libdispatch.dylib 0x7ff815e39266 _dispatch_once_callout 10 AVFCapture 0x7ff8328cafb6 +[AVCaptureDALDevice devices] 11 AVFCapture 0x7ff832996410 +[AVCaptureDevice_Tundra _devicesWithAllowIOSMacEnvironment:] 12 AVFCapture 0x7ff83299652b +[AVCaptureDevice_Tundra _devicesWithDeviceTypes:mediaType:position:allowIOSMacEnvironment:] 13 AVFCapture 0x7ff83299e8c0 -[AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession_Tundra _initWithDeviceTypes:mediaType:position:allowIOSMacEnvironment:prefersUnsuspendedAndAllowsAnyPosition:] 14 AVFCapture 0x7ff83299e7a4 +[AVCaptureDeviceDiscoverySession_Tundra discoverySessionWithDeviceTypes:mediaType:position:] 15 Electron Framework 0x119453784 media::GetVideoCaptureDevices ( I want to know what is the root cause of this crash. How should I simulate it and fix it? Any suggestions would be highly appreciated. Thank you.
by Colin1994.
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I'm trying to sign a macOS application which includes a Endpoint Security system extension. The profile for the extension has capability added and the app profile has the System Extension capability added. Both targets also has the correct entitlements, but when validating the app after archiving I get the following error: "Profile doesn't support Endpoint Security." When looking in the logs I can see that Xcode is fetching a provisioning profile for the extension without the needed capability. If downloading the profile from the developer portal the correct capability is present. Could something be "out of sync" regarding what provisioning profiles Xcode fetches vs what I see on the developer portal? If I try to archive using xcodebuild I get the following: "APP requires a provisioning profile with the System Extension feature." and ""BUNDLE_ID.systemextension" requires a provisioning profile with the Endpoint Security feature." I have tried with automatic and manual signing but nothing seems to work.
by Afogh.
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When attempting to load an mlmodel and run it on the CPU/GPU by passing the ComputeUnit you'd like to use when creating the model with: model = ct.models.MLModel('mymodel.mlmodel', ct.ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY) Documentation for coremltools v7.0 says: compute_units: coremltools.ComputeUnit coremltools.ComputeUnit.ALL: Use all compute units available, including the neural engine. coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_ONLY: Limit the model to only use the CPU. coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_GPU: Use both the CPU and GPU, but not the neural engine. coremltools.ComputeUnit.CPU_AND_NE: Use both the CPU and neural engine, but not the GPU. Available only for macOS >= 13.0. coremltools 7.0 (and previous versions I've tried) now seems to ignore that hint and only runs my models on the ANE. Same model when loaded into XCode and run a perf test with cpu only runs happily on the CPU and selected in Xcode performance tool. Is there a way in python to get our models to run on different compute units?
by pzagacki.
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Firstly, everything is ok. I have been connected Apple Vision Pro device to the Xcode via wireless network, also build my app in past several weeks. But since yesterday, I can not connect Apple Vision Pro device to my Xcode anymore. The device did not listed in Devices and Simulators window. I have tried: Update my Xcode to 15.3 Reboot my Mac and Apple Vision Pro Reset Apple Vision Pro also erase all data Other Macs in the same network also did not list any Vision Pro device I'm sure Vision Pro and Mac are in the same network, and it worked before. I go to Settings - General - Remote Devices, and open Xcode's Devices and Simulators window, still can't see any Apple Vision Pro device.
by A00a.
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I want to get the network-name (domain-name) on my Mac-Machine. Where iin the Settings does this domain name gets configured. I refer to this page which talks about computer name and host name, I could find where my hostname is present (Settings-&amp;gt;General-&amp;gt;Sharing-&amp;gt;local host name) but not anything related to the network-name (local -domain) . Even try to fetch this info using the linux api to getdomainname, api call succeeded but it returns Nothing. #include &amp;lt;iostream&amp;gt; #include &amp;lt;unistd.h&amp;gt; #include &amp;lt;limits.h&amp;gt; #include &amp;lt;cstring&amp;gt; int main() { char domainname[255]; // Get the domain name if (getdomainname(domainname, 255) != 0) { std::cout &amp;lt;&amp;lt; "Error getting domain name" &amp;lt;&amp;lt; std::endl; return 1; } std::cout &amp;lt;&amp;lt; "Domain name: " &amp;lt;&amp;lt; domainname &amp;lt;&amp;lt; std::endl; return 0; } Output Domain name: I even came across Search-Domains, Does it have anything to do with the network-name (domain name of the machine)?
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I'm building a Mac OSX Menubar app (build target is 14.0) and need a Settings window as part of it. I define the window as a standalone view in my @main block as follows: struct xyzApp: App { MenuBarExtra { MenubarView() } label: { Label("XYZ", image: "xyz") } .menuBarExtraStyle(.window) Window("Settings", id: "settings-window") { SettingsView() }.windowResizability(.contentSize) } The Settings view looks like this var body: some View { TabView { Form { }.tabItem { Label("Tab1",systemImage: "gear") } Form { }.tabItem { Label("Tab2",systemImage: "gear") } } } } However the Tabview is not being rendered correctly, there's no image and the sizing is wrong I tested the same code on a regular app with a Settings() declaration in the @main block and it works fine. Any points on what I'm doing wrong would be very helpful. Thanks!
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I was coding a sidebar on macOS and folded it with my mouse, but every time I run the app, I can't see the sidebar, so I can't use the sidebar. If you add a new image once, you can't see the same, but the third window also shows the sidebar well. I don't know why It's similar when you run it on another computer at all. Current code import CoreData struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext @State private var isSidebarVisible: Bool = true var body: some View { NavigationView { if isSidebarVisible { Sidebar() } MemoListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext) } .frame(minWidth: 700, minHeight: 400) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigation) { Button(action: toggleSidebar) { Image(systemName: "sidebar.leading") } } } } private func toggleSidebar() { withAnimation { isSidebarVisible.toggle() } } struct Sidebar: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext var body: some View { List { NavigationLink(destination: EasyWebListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Web Links", systemImage: "link") } NavigationLink(destination: MemoListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Memos", systemImage: "note.text") } NavigationLink(destination: ThemeListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Themes", systemImage: "photo.on.rectangle.angled") } NavigationLink(destination: AccessView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Access Records", systemImage: "clock.fill") } } .navigationTitle("My App") } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext) } } And the code used when there was a problem before. import CoreData struct ContentView: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext @State private var isSidebarVisible: Bool = true var body: some View { NavigationView { Sidebar().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext) MemoListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext) } .frame(minWidth: 700, minHeight: 400) .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigation) { Button(action: { withAnimation { isSidebarVisible.toggle() } }) { Image(systemName: "sidebar.leading") } } } } struct Sidebar: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext var body: some View { List { NavigationLink(destination: EasyWebListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Web Links", systemImage: "link") } NavigationLink(destination: MemoListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Memos", systemImage: "note.text") } NavigationLink(destination: ThemeListView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Themes", systemImage: "photo.on.rectangle.angled") } NavigationLink(destination: AccessView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, viewContext)) { Label("Access Records", systemImage: "clock.fill") } } .listStyle(SidebarListStyle()) .navigationTitle("My App") } } } struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { ContentView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, PersistenceController.preview.container.viewContext) } }
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I'm getting occasional crashes, which have not happened while running under a debugger and I haven't figured out how to reproduce. I wonder if anyone can help me glean more information from a crash report. Here's the main part. This particular report if from macOS 14.2 beta, but I've also seen it from 14.1.1. Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000018 Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000018 VM Region Info: 0x18 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 140723250839528 REGION TYPE START - END [ VSIZE] PRT/MAX SHRMOD REGION DETAIL UNUSED SPACE AT START ---> mapped file 7ffcaf60c000-7ffcd7f48000 [649.2M] r-x/r-x SM=COW ...t_id=b7394f27 Error Formulating Crash Report: PC register does not match crashing frame (0x0 vs 0x1022A3630) Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: 0 <translation info unavailable> 0x1022a3630 ??? 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x7ff819d0b393 _sigtramp + 51 2 AppKit 0x7ff81d3549a6 -[NSControl _setWindow:] + 59 3 AppKit 0x7ff81d413c19 -[NSSegmentedControl _setWindow:] + 42 4 AppKit 0x7ff81defd3be __21-[NSView _setWindow:]_block_invoke.391 + 324 5 AppKit 0x7ff81d33a62c -[NSView _setWindow:] + 1886 6 AppKit 0x7ff81defd3be __21-[NSView _setWindow:]_block_invoke.391 + 324 7 AppKit 0x7ff81d33a62c -[NSView _setWindow:] + 1886 8 AppKit 0x7ff81d572d08 -[NSWindow dealloc] + 922 9 MyApp 0x1011b6b81 -[JWWindow dealloc] (in MyApp) (JWWindow.m:37) 10 Foundation 0x7ff81b3d179c _NSKVOPerformWithDeallocatingObservable + 151 11 Foundation 0x7ff81acc6d54 NSKVODeallocate + 150 12 libobjc.A.dylib 0x7ff8199189d7 AutoreleasePoolPage::releaseUntil(objc_object**) + 169 13 libobjc.A.dylib 0x7ff819915cf0 objc_autoreleasePoolPop + 235 14 CoreFoundation 0x7ff819d794a1 _CFAutoreleasePoolPop + 22 15 Foundation 0x7ff81ac869ea -[NSAutoreleasePool drain] + 133 16 AppKit 0x7ff81d315694 -[NSApplication run] + 653 17 AppKit 0x7ff81d2e9662 NSApplicationMain + 816 18 MyApp 0x100ef5034 start (in MyApp) + 52 I can see that it involves deallocating a window as part of draining an autorelease pool, but does the presence of _NSKVOPerformWithDeallocatingObservable mean that KVO is involved somehow? And does the note "PC register does not match crashing frame" tell me anything?
by JWWalker.
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HI Team, We have recently observed a network issue, followed by device hang-ups when users come out of sleep while using the Transparent app proxy provider in Sonoma 14.4. and users are required to restart the system to resolve the problem. In the client logs, we observed that State:/Network/Global/IPv4 does not have any PrimaryInterface and there is no internet connectivity, although the internet works fine on other devices. this issue start coming in sonoma 14.4 and happen with Transparent app proxy provider. We are currently unable to pinpoint the exact issue. Are there any known issues with Sonoma 14.4?
by namdev20.
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Hello, I've successfully tested my macOS app's subscription purchases in Sandbox mode, but I'm unsure how to test in Production mode, as I read that "Developer ID" profiles don't allow testing subscription purchases. Since Mac can't use an Ad Hoc profile, is there a recommended method for testing in-app purchases in Production mode for macOS apps? I need to test by myself (preferring to avoid Test Flight, if that is even an option for this purpose). My app subscription processes work in the Sandbox environment, but an Apple reviewer could not retrieve the subscription details. (I'm using RevenueCat and see nothing that I need to change). Thank you for your assistance.
by PhillipW.
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While setting up our premium video-on-demand workflow in AWS, using AWS MediaConvert and MediaPackager and licence delivery from drmToday we encountered an issue with HLS+FairPlay playback (only) in Safari on macOS. The issue is that sometimes (more than 50% on the same video) the videoplayer initialization fails (with simple event of type=”error” in onerror callback). We are using Shaka player in our web application, so we first assumed that this (random) issue could be due to Shaka. However, we also tested with direct playback via the player and we observed the same issue, with same frequency. Since we have some content for which this problem does not occur and other content when the problem occurs very frequently, we tried to understand what could explain this difference. We noticed that for assets where the problem never occurs the order of the video submanifest was increasing, whereas for assets where the problem occurs frequently the order is decreasing. To isolate the issue we created a standalone page for a 2-minute asset and we are able to demonstrate that on this asset, when the bitrates are in decreasing order the playback with Safari on macOS fails more than 50% of the time. Test page using tag: KO: OK: Test page using Shaka: KO: OK: Notes: the issue is only reproducible with Safari on macOS (not with Safari on iOS) same HLS content + FairPlay plays OK 100% on tvOS the issue is only reproducible for HLS content with FairPlay (OK if no DRM)
by patatrouf.
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I have an Xcode project (generated from Qt) which is signed by a post-processing script. It uses the invocation: codesign -o runtime --sign "$(CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY)" CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY is set to "Apple Development" in the Build Settings for the target. The signing step fails with this complaint Apple Development: ambiguous (matches "Apple Development: <my name> (an ID)" and "Apple Development: <my company email> (another ID)" in login.keychain-db) It is true, I do have two Apple Development certificates. I thought one is for personal development (when you pick the personal team) and the other for company development (when I pick the company team). I have other Xcode projects (built "by hand") which have CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY set to "Apple Development" and with Automatic signing turned on, and they build just fine, even though I have two certificates with common names beginning "Apple Development". However, when I look at the build log of those regular Xcode projects, which are signed by Xcode rather than in a post-processing script, the Signing step logs this: Signing Identity: Apple Development: (an ID) not simply "Apple Development". Xcode seems to have resolved the ambiguity all on its own before calling codesign. It then calls codesign using the hash of the certificate as its identifier. How can I emulate Xcode's behavior here? The postprocessing script runs on different developer's machines - they all have multiple "Apple Development" certificates, and they are all different from one another.
by ssmith_c.
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I am using NetFS's NetFSMountURLAsync api to mount SMB share in mac os app. I am able to mount the share however this share is not automatically appearing in Finder's sidebar. I tried using LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL to make the mount point available in Finder's side bar however facing crash on line, kLSSharedFileListItemBeforeFirst.takeRetainedValue() from below code snippet. let itemType: CFString = kLSSharedFileListFavoriteItems.takeRetainedValue() if let list: LSSharedFileList = LSSharedFileListCreate(nil, itemType, nil)?.takeRetainedValue() { let inPropertiesToSet: CFMutableDictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(nil, 1, nil, nil) CFDictionaryAddValue(inPropertiesToSet, unsafeBitCast(kLSSharedFileListVolumesNetworkVisible, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self), unsafeBitCast(kCFBooleanTrue, to: UnsafeRawPointer.self)) let driveUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: mountPoint) let shareUrl: CFURL = driveUrl as CFURL if let item: LSSharedFileListItem = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL( list, kLSSharedFileListItemBeforeFirst.takeRetainedValue(), nil, iconRef, shareUrl, inPropertiesToSet, nil) { let itemRefId = LSSharedFileListItemGetID(item) let itemRefIdStr = "\(itemRefId)" userDefaults.set(itemRefIdStr, forKey: mountPoint) } } Anything wrong in above code? Also since this api is deprecated is there any alternative API to achieve this. The goal is to make the mount point available in Finder's sidebar so that user can easily access it.
by apjoshi.
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Hi. After the recent update of Ventura to 13.4 and Big Sur to 11.7.7 all of a sudden "launchctl setenv" returns the following errors. Could not set environment: 150: Operation not permitted while System Integrity Protection is engaged Is there any workaround to fix this?
by mtnview.
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I have a repeating timer installed like this: _cmdTimer = [NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 0.5 target: self selector: @selector(timedTask:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; [NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop addTimer: _cmdTimer forMode: NSModalPanelRunLoopMode]; [NSRunLoop.mainRunLoop addTimer: _cmdTimer forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; The first time the timer fires, it opens a modal dialog. But then the timer does not fire again until the dialog is closed. I don't get that, since I scheduled the timer in NSModalPanelRunLoopMode. To verify that the dialog was running in that mode, just before opening the dialog I said [self performSelector: @selector(testMe) withObject: nil afterDelay: 0.7 inModes: @[NSModalPanelRunLoopMode] ]; and the testMe method did get executed while the dialog was open.
by JWWalker.
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Hello, I have a multi-platform app that is split across two organizations: One is on iOS, and is distributed using the App Store with bundle ID X with team ID A. One is on macOS, and is distributed using Developer ID with bundle ID Y with team ID B. Once again, these are in two separate organizations. To consolidate these accounts we'd like to transfer ownership of Y to team ID A. However, according to the app transfer criteria, it appears that that's not possible: Both the transferor and recipient accounts can’t be in a pending or changing state, and the latest version of their paid and free agreements must be accepted. [...] The app must have had at least one version that's been approved for distribution. Given the context from the rest of the page, it seems valid to assume (and I've confirmed this through speaking with technical support) that apps are only eligible for transfer if they've been submitted to the App Store, so I'm considering looking into it just for the purposes of this transfer. This app has a fairly large user base and if possible we want to avoid any user disruption (and any cost inflicted on our API) as a result of a forced logout due to losing access to the previous keychain. As a bonus, it would be nice, though not necessary, if the macOS app could ship under the same entry as the iOS app. As I understand it, this would require changing the macOS app to use bundle ID X. Before going down this road, I'd like to confirm if the following plan is a sane one for accomplishing a complete app transfer that satisfies the above requirements: Distribute the app on the macOS App Store under team ID B. Transfer the app, and continue distribution on the macOS App Store under team ID A. Obtain a new Developer ID certificate for using bundle ID Y with team ID B. Resume distribution of the Developer-ID-signed app with team ID B, without loss of keychain access. If loss of keychain access is not possible, can someone confirm if it is at least possible to keep the same bundle ID after performing the steps above? Many thanks in advance for your help - there is much conflicting information online and in this forum, and little documentation when it comes to Developer ID transfers. I've even spoken to several Apple employees who have directed me here.
by jckbiggs.
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i'd like to set up an app proxy server at local to resolve contents in mail protocols with SSL/TLS. using VPN(App Proxy Provider only support HTTP?) to tunnel flows about mail protocols to proxy server seems impracticable system configuration only supports HTTP and FTP? is there a way to set a Mail Protocols Proxy at system Level? or is there a way to route all transport layer flows(not only particular Application layer protocol) to proxy server?
by MeLawSS.
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