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Posts under WWDC22 tag

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How can I add a native UX for pull-to-refresh for a ScrollView? Is support for this being added in iOS 16? Right now, the native UX only appears for List. For example, I want to support to be able to support .refreshable on a ScrollView like this: var body: some View {     ScrollView {       LazyVStack {         Text("1")         Text("2")         Text("3")       }     }     .refreshable {       ///     }   }
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Today I was searching for some watchOS code, and came across this WWDC22 demo. But I found out there are some quote sign bugs in the demo code (go to the code section and scroll down) like this: ... y: .value( “Completed", dataPoint.itemsComplete) ) ... It is so obvious that the code block even displays the code after those signs with a different color. There are 4 such code bugs in that page. Looks like the guy who wrote the code pasted that for 3 times and never noticed that lol.
by CrisisLio.
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Exciting to see the new Medication tracking features coming to Health. As a medical app we're wondering if read/write access to these is coming to HealthKit? We're currently building prescription management into our app so it would be great to be able to let users also add these to Health to handle their adherence tracking.
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Since NavigationView is now deprecated, I’m trying to update my code to use NavigationStack instead. However, I found that when using NavigationStack, section headers within an overall List view no longer have the collapsing triangle functionality. This used to work for NavigationView, List view, Section headers. Am I missing something? Is there a way to get back the section header collapse triangle within an overall List view when encapsulating within a NavigationStack?
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I'm looking to see if someone could point me in the right direction in terms of understanding what's needed for to host a backend server for the new Push To Talk API. Additionally, I'm curious to know what type of latency times people are getting. We've ran a mumble server which unfortunately had a considerable amount of latency.
by hallux.
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Before iOS16, Map can be displayed as a globe by setting MapType as either SatelliteFlyover or HybridFlyover constant  https://developer.apple.com/documentation/mapkit/mkmaptype With iOS16 the MKMapType is deprecated but I couldn't find any equivalent of a 3d globe view in the new preferredConfiguration of MKMapConfiguration. Is it no longer possible?
by yaozhang.
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Background Asset Session: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/110403 I create a new project after watching the session. And i add the following in the info.plist: BAMaxInstallSize: 1024000 BAManifestURL: https://***.com BAInitialDownloadRestrictions : Dictionary BADownloadAllowance: 1024000 BADownloadDomainAllowList : Array *.***.com But when i debug the extension with this command: xcrun backgroundassets-debug -s --app-install -b com.***.BADemo1 -d xxxxxxx , i get some error in conslog.app: Download BAManifestDownload - com.***.BADemo1.Manifest-xx rejected as we are out of download allowance. Download did fail: BAManifestDownload - com.***.BADemo1.Manifest-xx with error: Error Domain=com.apple.backgroundassets.error Code=203 "The requested download will not be allowed due to running out of download allowance." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The requested download will not be allowed due to running out of download allowance.} Rejecting launching extension for <private> because it has already run too long. how i can fix this problem
by moonmd.
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