iTunes Connect - Cannot view App Analytics or Sales and Trends.

Recently I gave admin access to one of my team member. But, when he logs in, he cannot access App Analytics or Sales and Trends. When he clicks, it says You don't have access. please contact admin for assistance. I checked it in Users and Roles, it shows him as a admin. How to resolve it?


Was this ever resolved? Having the same problem at the moment.

I have the same problem

Same issue as well, I'm an admin on iTunes connect but still can't access App Analytics.

Getting this error:

You don’t have access to App Analytics.

If you think you should have access to App Analytics, contact your iTunes Connect user with the admin role.

I'm having the same issue.. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

Also having this issue. Another admin made me an admin about 15 minutes ago and I'm still getting the "You don’t have access to App Analytics." message. I signed out and signed back in and this did not resolve the issue.

You may need to give it a bit more than 15 minutes before all pertinent data is propagated across all related servers so the caches can purge and pick it up on the backend.

Anyone having this issue again? The account holder gave me admin access but all I can see on is: My apps, Users and Access, Resources and Help. Under Users and Access I can see my account and I have the admin role.

If I try accessing the analytics directly from I get this error "You don’t have access to App Analytics. If you think you should have access to App Analytics, contact your iTunes Connect user with the admin role."

I was made admin 24h ago, so this doesn't look like a data propagation issue.

Also, no analytics data since 23 June (account holder told me). I don't know if this is somehow related.

Any idea? Thanks!

2 years later and I am having the same issue. I have admin-level permissions on the Users and Access page however I cannot see analytics and get the same "You don’t have access to App Analytics." error as above.

I have the App manager role access but I am still unable to see the analytics.