Aspiring Developer

I'm still learning how to code and would love to get recommendations on how to learn swift/swiftui for iOS/macOS app development. Any recommendations are welcome :)

Accepted Reply

I highly recommend Paul Hudson's intro programs at Hacking with Swift. He has a 100 Days of SwiftUI course, which would be an excellent place to start. It will walk you through learning Swift in the beginning then start building apps with SwiftUI. There's a ton of free content on his website ranging from beginner to advanced.

Additionally, John Sundell writes excellent content on his website Swift by Sundell. He has a basics section, which would complement the 100 Days of SwiftUI quite well. He also covers advanced topics and everything in between.


I highly recommend Paul Hudson's intro programs at Hacking with Swift. He has a 100 Days of SwiftUI course, which would be an excellent place to start. It will walk you through learning Swift in the beginning then start building apps with SwiftUI. There's a ton of free content on his website ranging from beginner to advanced.

Additionally, John Sundell writes excellent content on his website Swift by Sundell. He has a basics section, which would complement the 100 Days of SwiftUI quite well. He also covers advanced topics and everything in between.
Thanks a lot for the recommendation , highly appreciate the help :) Will make sure to come back to this thread in a few days and share my progress!
Check out

Especially after you learn the swift language, I have found their deep dives into the different frameworks really awesome, especially for some of the more difficult ones like Metal. I also found there forums are very active and helpful!

Best of luck and welcome to the developer community, it will a journey full of great challenges and joys!!

A great place to start learning Swift is Swift Playgrounds, which you can use on both macOS and iPadOS. To learn more about SwiftUI, we have some great tutorials that can help you get started.
Hi! I'm also very new to this. I found for me, the best place to start was to think about what sort of app I'm most interested in making, and then listing out the things I may need to know. Then I started searching for specific tutorials on those topics. I just googled stuff like "macOS Document based app tutorial", "Core Data tutorial", "How to make a popup menu in macOS". This led me to blogs and websites that maybe had more specific knowledge, rather than just a general overview of swift or iOS development. Then I just started working through them one at time. Usually doing one tutorial a day.

Not all of them were up to date, but I think this helped me learn better. Thing may not work as described, so I'd have to search more and find how to solve an issue when things had changed in newer versions.

Here are some specific places I checked out:
  • hackingwithswift

  • raywenderlich

  • metalbyexample

  • 2etime on YouTube (more metal stuff)

  • swiftdevjournal

Hope that helps! And from one newbie to another, best of luck!

Stanford puts out a great course. Spring 2020 covers SwiftUI.

Apple has a really great curriculum on the Book Store called App Development with Swift:

I highly recommend it... it's a great way to learn the fundamentals and build some projects along the way.

Paul Hudson is a genius, he is telling you the small amount of information that you need exactly at the right moment. Very structured, giving you the reason why something needs to be done in a certain way. No ”waffling“ — as he is calling it himself ;-)

And yes, he is very much loving SwiftUI!
I also started learning recently. I started with Apple's two swift programming books as referenced by mhanlon99, going thru the intro book first, followed by App Dev with Swift. It helped also having the teacher's book & source to get me out of a pinch. Then I started selecting topics of interest, and watched Kilo Loco YouTube videos, past WWDC sessions & Ray Wenderlich tutorials. I also can't say enough about Paul Hudson's materials and Ray Wenderlich's overall commitment to the community with things like Office Hours. Paul and Ray also introduced me to dabbling with full stack and Vapor Swift. I'm now using Tibor Bodecs' incredible Practical Server... Vapor 4 book. I'm learning as much about Swift, architecture and debugging as I am Vapor. My next target: SwiftUI & CloudKit then building & deploying some things. Good luck!
• Apple Developer :
• DesignCode
• HackingWithSwift
• RayWenderlich
• Stanford 2020 iOS Development Course by Paul Hegarty on YouTube.

Checkout all the above resources & start with the one you feel comfortable.
I’m also fresh to the Swift development scene. All i can recommend is don’t let a few errors deter you.
I'm new to programming too and I'm watching a YouTube channel called CodeWithChris. I think you can check out this channel.
Thanks so much for asking this question. I am a new developer and these recommendations are very helpful. I def will check back in to provide an update.
Thank you so much for asking this question. I am also a new developer trying to learn as much as I can and finding the right recourses is very difficult when there are so many to choose from. Thanks for the recommendations!
I’m trying to learn also I’m new