XCtest run - Failed to create a bundle instance representing 'file path/x.xctest'. Check that the bundle exists on disk

I am trying to run my projects unit test targets on Xcode 13. Xcode is not able to run the tests. It always throws me this error

xctest[36188:349217] Failed to create a bundle instance representing '/Users/bvijay16/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/DataStoreTests.xctest'. Check that the bundle exists on disk.

Program ended with exit code: 1.

Please let me know if anyone of you have faced the same issue. I have tried. clearing derived data, re updating pods and almost all the work arounds.


I have the same issue. Was there a fix found?

I have the same problem. Does anyone know how this can be fixed?