SF-Pro font issue with SF Symbols application

When I run SF Symbols, I get a "Fonts Mismatch" error. It claims that newer versions of all the SF-Pro-[Display/Rounded/etc.] family (save the italics ones) are available. The link it sends me to apparently still has the older versions. I've deleted the 'older' versions of the font files and then run the SF-Pro font installer off the downloaded disk image; error just continues to appear.

Accepted Reply

Looks like I had an old version (2.1) of SF Symbols installed, not the newest one (3.2). The new installer installs the correct version of the SF fonts on its own.


Looks like I had an old version (2.1) of SF Symbols installed, not the newest one (3.2). The new installer installs the correct version of the SF fonts on its own.

I had the same issuer with Symbol 4. I installed SF Pro after install Symbol V4 which lead to these errors. I was able to resolve this by reinstalling Symbol4

I had the same issue and even after installing the newest SF Pro fonts the error kept popping up. The problem was that I had installed the newest fonts for all users (/Library/Fonts) but had previously installed the fonts for my user only (~/Library/Fonts). The fonts for users override the fonts for all users. Removing my user's fonts solved the issue.