Unable to process lookupSoftwareForBundleId request at this time due to a general error

I'm unable to upload a new app version to App Store Connect, and am met with this ambiguous error whenever I try to upload.

I have three apps listed in App Store Connect, all different bundles coming from the same project, i.e. com.myapp.development, com.myapp.staging, and com.myapp. Uploads work fine for com.myapp.development and com.myapp.staging, but fail for com.myapp.

I am sure that my bundle ID is correct. The app builds and runs correctly. This appears to be failing due to a network error when trying to provision the .itmsp file to upload to App Store Connect.

Using Transporter, this is how the error surfaces:

Monitoring network activity, I can see the following:

POST: https://contentdelivery.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZLabelService.woa/json/MZITunesSoftwareService
    "id": "**********",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "lookupSoftwareForBundleId",
    "params": {
        "Application": "TransporterApp",
        "ApplicationBundleId": "com.apple.TransporterApp",
        "BundleId": "com.myapp",
        "FrameworkVersions": {
            "com.apple.itunes.connect.ITunesConnectFoundation": "4.03 (1256)",
            "com.apple.itunes.connect.ITunesContentDelivery": "4.03 (1256)",
            "com.apple.itunes.connect.ITunesPackage": "4.03 (1256)",
            "com.apple.itunes.connect.MZXMLMarshalling": "4.03 (1256)"
        "OSIdentifier": "Mac OS X 10.15.6 (x86_64)",
        "SoftwareTypeEnum": "Purple",
        "Username": "**********",
        "Version": "1.2.2 (1256)"
    "error": {
        "code": 1079,
        "message": "Unable to process lookupSoftwareForBundleId request at this time due to a general error (1079)"
    "id": "**********",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "EnableJWTForAllCalls": false,
        "ErrorCode": 1079,
        "ErrorMessage": "Unable to process lookupSoftwareForBundleId request at this time due to a general error (1079)",
        "Errors": [
            "Unable to process lookupSoftwareForBundleId request at this time due to a general error (1079)"
        "RestartClient": false,
        "ShouldUseFeatures": null,
        "ShouldUseRESTAPIs": false,
        "Success": false

I have also generated the .itmsp file manually, but hit the same error when adding it to Transporter.

The same request for com.myapp.development returns successfully with lengthy App Store Connect metadata.

I have also:

  • Renewed certificates / provisioning profiles and rebuilt the app
  • Attempted to upload on machines with latest Xcode and MacOS
  • Attempted to upload under different privileged user accounts within my organization
  • Regressed to an older version of the app to see if I introduced a breaking change

Is there anything else I should be trying?


We experienced the same error when uploading a .ipa file using altool --upload-app. Apple Developer Program Support informed us that --upload-app is deprecated, and that we could try using altool --upload-package instead. The resolved the error and we were able to upload the .ipa to TestFlight successfully.