Account deletion or revoke for native apps

Hi everyone, I'm struggling a bit trying to understand how all this works.

I've implemented Sign in with Apple on an iOS App using Auth0. I do save all info Apple provides once the login success, I save the IdentityToken, UserId and AuthorizationCode. We have received also the notification from Apple that we have to implement the Account Deletion, and that we have to implement the Revoke Tokens API endpoint using the Sign in with Apple REST API Revoke Tokens just that I don't have clear which is the client_id, what is the client_secret and what is the token.

Is client_id the bundle ID?

Is client_secret the identityToken provided by Apple during the Sign In process?

and what exactly is the token?

I'd really apreciate if someone can explain what should I do with the info provided during Sign in with Apple flow (UserId, IdentityToken and AuthorizationCode) in order to properly implement the Revoke Tokens API. Also, is it supposed that this will be equivalent to when player goes to Settings -> Password and Security-> Apps using Sign in with Apple?


Hello! I hava faced some problem, How about progress?