Regarding Gamekit samples in apple/unityplugins

I built the Gamekit Sample in apple/unityplugins for iOS and ran "_localPlayer = await GKLocalPlayer.Authenticate();" It worked fine up to the point where the GameCenter popup was displayed.

However, the "OnRealtimeMatchmake()" and "OnToggleAccessPoint()" will result in the following error

"MissingMethodException: Default constructor not found for type Apple.GameKit.Multiplayer.GKMatchRequest at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceMono"


"MissingMethodException: Default constructor not found for type Apple.GameKit.GKAccessPoint at System.RuntimeType.CreateInstanceMono" errors and does not work properly.

Please tell me what is the problem here.

The environment is as follows iPhone SE (iOS15.5), Unity2020.3.33f1, XCode13.4.1


You may be able to fix this by adding this markup to the projects main link.xml file  

<assembly fullname="Apple.Core" ignoreIfMissing="1" preserve="all"/>  

Just to add to this: We also had to add: <assembly fullname="Apple.GameKit" ignoreIfMissing="1" preserve="all"/>

Sorry, I feel absolutely daft asking this but, which Link.xml does this have to be added to?