Incorrect price in subscription popup view

The price in subscription popup view is incorrect, it display the older price in "Subscription Prices - Price Change", not get the newest price

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of PatrickZ Down vote post of PatrickZ


We have received reports of this and are investigating. We can assure you this is limited to the sandbox test environment. Feel free to file a ticket with your IAP product ID.

  • Has this been resolved. I'm facing an issue where my app is rejected because the price in the sandbox is not displayed correctly. I've raised this ticket: FB11827177.

    I hope you can help!

  • This error has reappeared

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Is this being tracked anywhere? I'm seeing just recently in the last few weeks where an old sub with a price increase over a year ago is now showing the old price in TestFlight and Sandbox. Management is going to have a hard time allowing this to go to prod based on this 'assurance'. Please advise.

  • I'm having the same experience. Sandbox seems to be having an issue. I'm not sure what the root cause is. The information that the API populates in the SKProduct object is correct, but when the payment screen appears, the price is wrong. This is keeping the application from being approved during the App Review process.

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It would be nice that this will be solved or at least inform the App store review team. Apps are being blocked for update because of this.

Has anyone been able to fix this issue? Experiencing this in Sandbox mode as well.

I'm also running into this issue, it's showing the oldest price.

App was rejected yesterday for this bug — what’s up Apple?

We are also having this issue and it is leading to our app also getting rejected!