WatchKit app gets deleted from device

This happens with new project recently created. Existing app is working fine.

I can run and debug my watch app from Xcode on my Apple Watch device, but app gets deleted after stop running from Xcode.
App is just gone for some reason.

Tested with Xcode 14.0.1 and Xcode 14.1 RC 2, and Apple Watch on watchOS 9.1.
This was happening before watchOS 9.1.

Is anyone see this happening and know solution?

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote post of hire Down vote post of hire


Yes I have the same behaviour here but no idea!?

Same issue here. I see the app in the apps list on the watch and from the iPhone, but when I stop the Xcode, the app disappears from the watch.

Happens to me too on Xcode Version 14.2 (14C18), Watch OS 9.3.1 (20S664)

The same problem. xcode 14.2, watchOS 9.4. I have updated a scheme for a iOS app, that it includes both targets, but that didn't help. Also, an app can not be found in the "Watch" app on iPhone. Might be, the problem is because of a few errors in the console: "void * _Nullable NSMapGet(NSMapTable * _Nonnull, const void * _Nullable): map table argument is NULL".

I've found out, that an app disappears exactly at the time i open an "Watch" app on iPhone.

I've just found the root of this problem. My app is iOS storyBoard with a watchOs target (in swiftui, of course). And that's the reason. I created a pure clear new app for iOS with storyboard, i added a target for a watchOS, and got the same problem as my app does. When i create a clear pure iOS app on swiftUi, add a watch target also on swiftUI - everything works perfect. It seams, that i have to change my iOS app from storyboard to swiftUi, or there are might be some another workaround regarding this problem? Should i report a bug, or it's normal behaviour?

I've found a workaround about this problem. The problem was because, the watch app target wasn't added to a main project. So, the target was there, and i can build for ios or watch os, but they weren't joined together. When project consists only of both (ios and watchos) apps on swiftUI (without any storyboard), somehow, the xcode builds them all together, and app doesn't disappear from the watch after a wile. But in case, where ios part is on storyboard, the swiftui watchkit will not be connected to the ios app as it should be. In order to join them together, there are next steps needed (i've found it from one article. here's a text from this article):

"Add the watch target to the main application

In the project navigator, select the target for your main application. In the main pane, go to the General tab. Scroll down to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section. Click the + button and choose the watch app target from the list. The watch app target should now be added to the list. By adding the watch app target to the main application, you are indicating that the main application depends on the watch app and that the watch app should be included in the final app bundle when you build and run the main application. This is necessary in order for the watch app to be installed and run on the Apple Watch when the main application is installed on the iOS device."

Post not yet marked as solved Up vote reply of VB6 Down vote reply of VB6

I am on WatchOS 10.3 and still faced this issue. I wrote a watch-only app that always disappeared from the watch after a short amount of time. As VB^ noted previously, the app was also deleted immediately if I opened the watch app on the iPhone. What solved it for me is:

  • In Target/General/Deployment info: Make sure that "supports running without IOS app installation" is checked
  • In App Icons: make sure that "include all app icon sets" is checked