No replacement for MKMaptype globe view in iOS16?

Before iOS16, Map can be displayed as a globe by setting MapType as either SatelliteFlyover or HybridFlyover constant

With iOS16 the MKMapType is deprecated but I couldn't find any equivalent of a 3d globe view in the new preferredConfiguration of MKMapConfiguration. Is it no longer possible?


There are three subclasses of MKMapConfiguration:

Here are some example conversions from MKMapType to MKMapConfiguration:

// MKMapType.standard
MKStandardMapConfiguration(elevationStyle: .flat)

// MKMapType.satellite
MKImageryMapConfiguration(elevationStyle: .flat)

// MKMapType.hybrid
MKHybridMapConfiguration(elevationStyle: .flat)

// MKMapType.satelliteFlyover
MKImageryMapConfiguration(elevationStyle: .realistic)

// MKMapType.hybridFlyover
MKHybridMapConfiguration(elevationStyle: .realistic)

// MKMapType.mutedStandard
MKStandardMapConfiguration(emphasisStyle: .muted)

Did you find any solution to this?