notarytool submit occasionally fails with Error: MultipartUploadError(error: HTTPClientError.readTimeout

We submit for notarization using:

/usr/bin/xcrun notarytool submit '/tmp/' --keychain-profile notarytool-TEAMID --wait --output-format plist --timeout 2h --keychain /Users/admin/teamid.keychain

Occasionally it fails with this error: Error: MultipartUploadError(error: HTTPClientError.readTimeout, completedParts: [SotoS3.S3.CompletedPart(eTag: Optional(""f838a70fa4e9b4bf1a0c075eb931fcb8""), partNumber: Optional(1)), SotoS3.S3.CompletedPart(eTag: Optional(""7aa16c155f47b9d0704d99bc9a59db4c""), partNumber: Optional(2))])

What can be the reason for this? Upload size is 700-800MB. Seems to be som e upload issue to AWS S3 storage.



Occasionally it fails with this error

Define “occasionally”. If you do 100 uploads, how many of them fail in this way?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

I'm seeing this error 100% of the time since yesterday (9:05PM Eastern Daylight time March 6).

I’ve not seen similar reports from other, and there’s nothing on our Developer > System Status page. I suspect that this is specific to your environment. Are you able to do a test notarisation from some alternative environment? For example, if you notarise from work are you able to try it from home, or vice versa?

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Whatever was causing this seems to be fixed starting about or before 11:40 PM March 2023. I've had several successful runs since then.

Quinn, We did test with uploads of 100 times 25MB, the result was that the first run 0/100 failed, the second round 1/100 failed. In production builds we are doing notarization uploads of 25, 40, 120, 700 MB and this is repeated 2 times, so in total 8 uploads for notarisation. In this case it seems that during working hours in CET the probability of failure with the above error is more that 50%, but if made out side working hours it will in most cases succeed.