Hosting an app for a small number of internal users


I am a contract developer who works for a client that owns two apps, one is an App Store customer app. The other is for internal use only.

The client had two accounts, one a regular account for our customer app. The other account was an Enterprise account for the internal app.

The Enterprise account expired, and on renewal the client selected the wrong number of employees so they can no longer use that account to host the internal app (apparently a minimum number of internal employees is required?).

What is the best solution moving forward?

At the moment we're thinking about leveraging TestFlight, putting the internal users themselves on an external testers list, and pushing up "test" builds which the internal users would use like normal.

Is there a preferred/suggested alternative? I've read that it's a misuse of TestFlight and possibly goes against Apple policy.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Unlisted app perhaps?

  • I will definitely try this. Thank you.

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