NavigationSplitView how to disable the side bar, to make it like the reminder app in iPad?

I want to make it like this

How to disable the button that open the side bar, I only need the content and the detail view. I don't need the sidebar view. Below is my code

import SwiftUI

@available(iOS 16.0, *)
struct Screen: View {
    @ObservedObject var userData = UserData()
    @State private var isIntroShown = true
    @State var Itema: Bool = false
    @State private var showFoodDetail = false
    @State var rb: Bool = false
    @State var Setting: Bool = false
    @State var Recipe: Bool = false
    @Environment(\.defaultMinListRowHeight) var minRowHeight
    @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
    @State private var searchText = ""
    private let adaptiveColumns = [
        GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 170))
    var columns = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 10), count: 2)
    var filteredRooms: [Room] {
        if searchText.isEmpty {
            return userData.rooms
        } else {
            return userData.rooms.filter { room in
                let foodNames = { $ }
                return ||
                       foodNames.contains { $0.contains(searchText.lowercased()) }
    @State private var columnVisibility = NavigationSplitViewVisibility.doubleColumn
    var body: some View {
            NavigationSplitView (columnVisibility: $columnVisibility){
            } content: {
                        .padding(.bottom, 20)
                }.toolbar {
                    ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar){
                        Button(action:{self.Itema = true}) {
                            HStack {
                                Image(systemName: "").resizable().frame(width: 20, height: 20).foregroundColor(.white)
                                Text("New Item").foregroundColor(.white).bold()
                        .sheet(isPresented: self.$Itema){
                            NewItem(userData: self.userData)
                    ToolbarItem(placement: .bottomBar){
                        Button(action:{self.rb = true}) {
                            HStack {
                                Text("New Room").foregroundColor(.white)
                        .sheet(isPresented: self.$rb){
                            NewRoom(userData: self.userData)
                    ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing){
                        Button(action:{self.Setting = true}) {
                            HStack {
                                Image(systemName: "gear").foregroundColor(.white)
                        .sheet(isPresented: self.$Setting){
                            NavigationView {
                                NewItem( userData: userData)
                                    .navigationBarItems(trailing:Button(action: {
                                        self.Setting = false
                .background(Color(red: 203/255, green: 237/255, blue: 207/255))
            } detail: {
                ZStack {
                .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
                .background(Color(red: 220/255, green: 247/255, blue: 234/255))
            .searchable(text: $searchText)


I was able to accomplish this by hiding the toolbar, but it might not be a solution for every case since it will make it disappear:

NavigationSplitView(columnVisibility: $columnVisibility) {
    VStack {
    .toolbar(.hidden, for: .navigationBar)
} detail: {

Hope it helps!