Push to Talk and Local Push Connectivity

With PTT we now have the possibility to wake the application up using the new PTT push notification payload.

What if the device doesn't have internet access? What if the application uses Local Push Connectivity (with a Network Extension) to provide an alternative communication channel (a socket implementation in the Network Extension) in case there is no internet connection? Is there a way for the Network Extension to post this new type of PTT push notification to wake the application up?


To answer my own question: since iOS 16.4 NEAppPushProvider.reportPushToTalkMessage should work as a solution, but I will come back with a confirmation as soon as I've tested it.

That is correct. iOS 16.4 introduces a new NEAppPushProvider method: reportPushToTalkMessage(userInfo:)

Calling this method from within your Local Push Connectivity extension will launch your main app and deliver the message to your PTChannelManagerDelegate's incomingPushResult(channelManager:channelUUID:pushPayload:) method.