Command line code signing race condition (?)

I'm signing an app like this:

% codesign --entitlements entitlements.xml --sign "My Cert" AppName
% codesign -dv --verbose=4

and I was rather hoping that the -dv check would be sufficient for macOS to verify the signature but when I immediately attach lldb and start the process, Finder pops up "Verifying AppName..." and then after some time lldb fails and logs error: Tried to attach to process already being debugged.

If I manually wait for the verification popup to disappear then I can attach lldb just fine and run the LLDB script I want to use to extract information from the app.

How can I either run the signature verification on the command line or (without a sleep hack) have LLDB wait?

Accepted Reply

Answering my own question for posterity:

codesign --verify AppName


Answering my own question for posterity:

codesign --verify AppName