Geolocation, customising permission request box

Hi team - apologies if this is a simple question / answer but I haven't found any solution elsewhere yet.

How customisable is the Geolocation permission box - i.e. the box that pops up asking user to allow us to use Geolocation? What text is specifically required to be stated and how much additional text is allowed on top of any compulsory script?

Looking forward to hearing from anyone who can shed any light on this.



Accepted Reply

Are you referring to the various styles of location permission alert on iOS? You supply (at build time) the message that gets displayed in the middle. As for how best to write that message, check out this video tech talk: Write clear purpose strings.


Are you referring to the various styles of location permission alert on iOS? You supply (at build time) the message that gets displayed in the middle. As for how best to write that message, check out this video tech talk: Write clear purpose strings.

Ah super duper! That's perfect, thank you very much Scott! Had no idea of the terminology "purpose string"... thanks again dude.