Emojis corrupted on iOS when using negation with unicode character class escapes

I'm using regular expressions to remove non-latin and non-emoji characters from strings.

As Unicode character class escapes (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Regular_expressions/Unicode_character_class_escape) are now widely supported, I used them to simplify my expressions.

const regex = new RegExp('[^(\\d\\s\\p{Script=Latin}\\p{gc=Punctuation}\\p{Extended_Pictographic})]+', 'gui');

function removeUnsupportedChars(txt: string) {
   return txt.replace(this.characterEx, '');

This works on PC and on Android. However, on iOS, when using this regular expression, emojis get corrupted and shown as squares.

I created a minimal CodePen https://codepen.io/lizozom-the-sans/pen/GRYxOzp where the scenario is reproduced with a simplified regex and it seems like on iOS any usage of negation on the Extended_Pictographic class (or any of the other emoji classes) leads to their corruption.

Is this a known issue on iOS? Any known workarounds (other than using explicit emoji lists)?