FileProvider fails to instantiate from /Applications folder


So I am bundling a FileProvider Extension with my electron application and have noticed a very strange behavior. When I package my application and install/launch it from any directory everything runs perfect. However the exception is when I install it to/launch it from the /Applications folder.

Specifically I receive Cannot create domain: Error Domain=NSFileProviderErrorDomain Code=-2001 "The application cannot be used right now." which maps to providerNotFound. Seems that the provider is failing to instantiate altogether, and therefore I lack any extension functionality.

After I have run the app from the /Applications folder once if I try and run the app from any other directory it fails and I get the same error message.

Anybody have any clues as to what may be changing in my environment that driving this behavior?

  • Upon further inspection I found that I'm getting an error in the Console that seems to be the cause of the issue: "Sandbox: fileproviderd(684) deny(1) file-read-data /Applications/". Any clues as to how to resolve this issue?

    Is this is a code signing issue? If so I am failing to see what I am doing wrong. I am signing my helper app through XCode with a MacOS provisioning profile, packaging it within my application, and then signing my application.

  • Made a sister post on stackoverflow here.

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Accepted Reply

I discovered that the issue was that the provisioning profile being generated from XCode was using my personal ID instead of my organization ID so I had to turn off automatic signing and manually provide the correct provisioning profile.

You can see more in detail the steps I took in my response to this StackOverflow post.

Hope this helps someone :)


I discovered that the issue was that the provisioning profile being generated from XCode was using my personal ID instead of my organization ID so I had to turn off automatic signing and manually provide the correct provisioning profile.

You can see more in detail the steps I took in my response to this StackOverflow post.

Hope this helps someone :)