Null Display Name Issue with AppleAuth Provider on Firebase using react native

Null Display Name Issue with AppleAuth Provider on Firebase using react native

Dear Apple App Review Team,

I have been diligently working on my app, which heavily relies on Firebase for authentication purposes. Specifically, I am utilizing the AppleAuth provider to offer seamless authentication options to my users. However, during the review process, it came to my attention that the display name from the AppleAuth provider is being returned as null.

This issue is concerning, as it directly affects the user experience and functionality of my app. It prevents users from being able to see their display name correctly, which can lead to confusion and frustration. Moreover, it undermines the trust and reliability of the app, which I have worked hard to establish.

I have thoroughly reviewed my code and integration with Firebase, and I can confirm that I have followed all the necessary guidelines and recommendations provided by Apple and Firebase documentation. The null display name issue appears to be an unexpected and unintended consequence.

To rectify this problem, I kindly request the assistance and guidance of the Apple App Review Team. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide me with specific instructions or steps to resolve the null display name issue with the AppleAuth provider on Firebase.

I understand the importance of maintaining high-quality standards on the Apple App Store, and I am fully committed to resolving this issue promptly. I value the collaborative relationship between developers and the Apple App Review Team and believe that by working together, we can ensure the best possible experience for our users.

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and guidance on how to handle this issue effectively. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information or have any further

Have you found solution for this problem?

I'm running into this as well using and It's frustrating because Apple is rejecting my app.

Null Display Name Issue with AppleAuth Provider on Firebase using react native