Framework Not Found XCode 14- build error with frameworks integraded Cocoapods


I am having trouble using the latest cocoapods version 1.12.1 compiled with XCode to create a workspace. i am on macOS 13.2.1 (22D68) with an Apple M2 chip.

After creating my Podfile and entering 'pod install' into my terminal to create my workspace, the creation is successful but when I exit out of my .xcodeproj file and switch to the newly created .xcworkspace file, the items under the 'Products' folder on the left hand side is red, my project Product is also missing, along with the pods_ProductName framework. When i attempt to run the project either on the canvas or in the simulator, there are many build and linker errors. I have compiled a list or everything I have tried to fix this issue.

  1. I checked the Framework and Library Downloads:
    • I confirmed that all the required frameworks and their content have been successfully downloaded.
  2. I verified Target Memberships:
    • I ensured that the target memberships for the frameworks are correctly set to my project.
  3. I checked the Framework Search Paths:
    • I reviewed the framework search paths and confirmed that they are empty.
  4. I reviewed the Build Settings:
    • I checked the build settings, including Framework Search Paths and Link Binary With Libraries, and made sure they are correctly configured.
  5. I cleaned the Build Folder:
    • I performed a clean build by selecting "Clean Build Folder" from Xcode's Product menu to remove cached build artifacts.
  6. I updated Xcode and Dependencies:
    • I verified that I am using the latest version of Xcode and updated any third-party libraries or dependencies.
  7. I restarted Xcode and Mac:
    • I restarted Xcode and my Mac to ensure a fresh state.
  8. I reset Xcode Preferences:
    • I reset Xcode preferences by removing the DerivedData and UserData folders to restore default settings.
  9. I added "arm64" to Project -> Build Settings -> Excluded Architecture
  10. I redownloaded XCode multiple times
  11. I redownloaded an older version of XCode
  12. I ran pod deintegrate >pod update
  13. I deleted all frameworks from Embedded Binaries and re-added it

#Here is my Podfile:

platform :ios, '15.0’

target 'Ceyati' do


pod 'GooglePlaces', '7.1.0' pod 'OpenWeatherMapAPI', '~> 0.0.5' pod 'Alamofire' end

Let me know if anyone knows how to fix this, or where i can take it to get looked at. I have been attempting for the last 3 days. Thank you.


Hi did you ever solve it? I am running into a similar issue.