Deleting an event deletes the event on the iPhone calendar, but not on the MacBook one.


I receive events in this way:

let store = EKEventStore()
let predicate = store.predicateForEvents(withStart: startDate, end: endDate, calendars: nil)
let events = predicate)

And remove one of them in this way:

try store.remove(event, span: .thisEvent, commit: true)

It removes event from iPhone's calendar, but does not from MacBook's. The event came from Google calendar. If I do these things with an event came from iCloud calendar, it works both on iPhone and MacBook. I have tried different ways to solve this problem but without success. I would appreciate any help.


Google calendar might take some time to sync the change. After doing this, try refreshing the phone calendar and then the Mac calendar. If after some time the change does not sync, please file a feedback request so we can investigate if this is a bug.

Thank you! I paused in the question, but just got back to it. I'll continue the investigation.