Xcode 14.3 can't download symbols from watchOS 9.5.1?

I updated my Apple Watch Ultra from watchOS 9.5 to 9.5.1 and now when I connect it to Xcode (14.3 from the App Store), it says that "the device is not available because there was an error downloading its symbols". I've rebooted the watch, the iPhone and the MacBook but still no luck. As soon as I connect the phone to the Mac, I see Xcode making the watch available for development but then it fails with this error. Everything was working fine with watchOS 9.5.

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Hello there! Thanks for reporting this. We've fixed this and the symbols should now be available for download.

  • Confirmed it's working! Thank you!

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Same issue

I'm having the same issues with Series 7 unable to run on 9.5.1. I get a

Failed with HTTP status 403: forbidden
Domain: DataGatheringNSURLSessionDelegate

Hello there! Thanks for reporting this. We've fixed this and the symbols should now be available for download.

  • Confirmed it's working! Thank you!

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[@App Store Connect Engineer](App Store Connect Engineer) Thanks! Confirmed working now.