SceneKit Animation Export Issue to USD Format

I am writing to report an issue that I have been encountering while developing an iOS game using SceneKit. In my application, I have programmatically added various animations to my scene, which include position, blend shape, and rotation animations.

When I attempt to export the scene to a "USD" type file, the export process fails. The error that I receive is as follows:

2   SceneKit                      	       0x1b19d3528 USDKitConverter::processBlendShapeAnimation(USKNode*, CAAnimation*, std::__1::vector<double, std::__1::allocator<double>>&, std::__1::vector<std::__1::vector<float, std::__1::allocator<float>>, std::__1::allocator<std::__1::vector<float, std::__1::allocator<float>>>>&) + 484

Given the nature of the error, I suspect there may be an issue with SceneKit's handling of blend shape animations when converting to USD.

As a test, I removed the blend shape animations, keeping only the position animations, and attempted to export again. The export process succeeded, however, when I tried to play the resulting USD file, none of the animations were present.

Furthermore, I attempted a workaround by first exporting to an SCN file, which also succeeded. However, when I then tried to open this SCN file with SceneEditor and export it to USD using the application's menu, Xcode crashed.

I am reaching out to request assistance in resolving this issue, or if this is indeed a bug, to bring it to your attention for further investigation. Please let me know if you require any additional information from my end.

SceneKit Animation Export Issue to USD Format