Issue accessing Product.priceFormatStyle from Unit Tests on iOS 15

On iOS 15 with Xcode 14.3, Product.priceFormatStyle does not appear to be populated with valid data when running unit tests and setting up an SKTestSession. If I try to access the property in the debugger (po product.priceFormatStyle) it hangs Xcode indefinitely. If I use a print statement, I get the following output.

Currency(locale: xx_XX (fixed), currencyCode: "", collection: Foundation.CurrencyFormatStyleConfiguration.Collection(scale: nil, precision: nil, group: nil, signDisplayStrategy: nil, decimalSeparatorStrategy: nil, rounding: nil, roundingIncrement: nil, presentation: Foundation.CurrencyFormatStyleConfiguration.Presentation(option: Foundation.CurrencyFormatStyleConfiguration.Presentation.Option.standard)))

The same output when running on iOS 16 is:

Currency(locale: en_US@currency=USD (fixed), currencyCode: "USD", collection: Foundation.CurrencyFormatStyleConfiguration.Collection(scale: nil, precision: nil, group: nil, signDisplayStrategy: nil, decimalSeparatorStrategy: nil, rounding: nil, roundingIncrement: nil, presentation: Foundation.CurrencyFormatStyleConfiguration.Presentation(option: Foundation.CurrencyFormatStyleConfiguration.Presentation.Option.standard)))

A simple test to replicate the issue is:

    let session: SKTestSession = try! SKTestSession(configurationFileNamed: "Subscriptions")

    override func setUpWithError() throws {
        session.disableDialogs = true
        session.storefront = "USA"

    func testPriceFormat() async throws {
        guard let product = try await Product.products(for: ["test.product"]).first else {

        XCTAssertEqual(product.priceFormatStyle.currencyCode, "USD") // Fails on iOS 15 with testPriceFormat(): XCTAssertEqual failed: ("") is not equal to ("USD")

It seems to be working fine when run on the live app using App Store data; I get the same output on both iOS 15 and 16.

These outputs are using the same test StoreKit configuration. Is there a trick to getting this working for iOS 15?