How to create private keys for developer certificates

I've read just about everything I can regarding this but no one seems to offer any simple steps to resolve this situation.

I'm guessing that the original developer certificates were created by an employee who is no longer with our company and his laptop is no longer accessible - it's been wiped.

I deleted all the certificates from my keychain and recreated new developer certificates so that we can code sign apps - not for any of the app stores just for distribution on our website. However, none of them have a private key so I need to be able to create private keys for them.

Does anyone know how to do this? Every thing I've tried has failed.


How did you create new developer certificates? I'm not sure how you could create a certificate without creating a private key.

The way I would create a new developer certificate is within Xcode: In the settings dialog, select the Accounts tab. Select an account, and then click the "Manage Certificates..." button. When a signing certificates window pops up, use the "+" button in the lower left corner to make a new one. The certificate and its private key should then appear in your default keychain.

It sounds like you’re talking about Developer ID signing here, for distributing Mac products outside of the Mac App Store. If so, I have a post with a lot of relevant hints and tips: The Care and Feeding of Developer ID.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""