Charts X and Y Axis content not appearing

When using charts framework to make a Bar Chart after creating my fake data and creating the chart in the contentView no x or y axis contents appeared I was following a tutorial and they appeared with him any one can help

Bar Chart

import SwiftUI import Charts

struct Items : Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    let type : String
    let value : Double
struct ContentView: View {
    let items : [Items] = [
        Items(type: "Medical", value: 10000),
        Items(type: "Engeneering", value: 5000),
        Items(type: "singing", value: 15000),
        Items(type: "pilot", value: 1000),
        Items(type: "athlete", value: 18000),
![]("" "title=Screen Shot 2023-07-10 at 6.19.04 AM.png;width=854;height=1598")

var body: some View {
            Chart(items){item in
                BarMark( x: .value("Job", item.type),
                         y: .value("salary", item.value)
            .frame(height: 200)


This is the image

I tested on simulator and it works perfectly OK:

It seems you have an issue with the font (size ?).

Which version of Xcode and simulator ? Try a more recent.

Try, for testing purpose, shorter titles:

    Items(type: "Med", value: 10000),