ObjectCaptureView/Session blocks ARSession sceneUnderstanding

I used ObjectCaptureView with an ObjectCaptureSession in different setups, for example nested in an UIViewController so that I was able to deallocate the View and the Session after switching to another View. If I am going to use an ARSession with ARWorldTracking and SceneUnderstanding afterwards and the app won't show the overlaying Mesh anymore. Using SceneUnderstanding without opening the ObjectCaptureView previously works fine. Has someone faced the same issue, or how could I report this to apple? Seems like a problem with the ObjectCaptureView/Session itself.

During the start of the ObjectCaptureSession the are also some logs in the Metadata telling me: "Wasn't able to pop ARFrame and Cameraframe at the same time", it will be shown like 10 or 15 times for every start. So I nested it in an ARSCNView but that didn't fixed it.

ObjectCaptureView/Session blocks ARSession sceneUnderstanding