App is stuck on Splash screen on iOS 16.61 and iOS 17

When users updated iOS to 16.6.1 or 17 app is stucked on splash screen.

  • the exact same issue, but i can access the control panel, notifications, etc. But can neither go to any other applications nor close the current app. The only way out is to restart the iPhone. If you find any solution to the problem, please reply. (Version: 17.3, issue occurred with an app that had been being tested for a long time in the same iPhone.)

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Right, and how can we help? You've not provided any information or code that we could possibly help you with.

@darkpaw there is no code, didFinishWithlaunchOptions is not called even. I am asking why this is happening and how we can resolve this?

We are facing this exact same issue at the moment with some users that have updated to iOS 17. So far we know it happens to a group of users using iPhone 12 and 13, and not even reinstalling the app and rebooting the OS makes it work again. We don't have crashes logged either so it's been hard to diagnose what's really going on.

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Recently many users using our app have commented on Appstore that for them the app is stuck on the Splash screen. Kill and relaunch is also not helping them. we are unable to reproduce this issue at our end. One of the user who reported this issue is using iOS 17.2 version. We have some animation on the Splash UIViewPropertyAnimator not sure what exactly is causing the issue.Kindly help if you have found the solution to a similar problem

Facing the same issue in iOS 17.4.1 and xCode 15.3. The app is freezing for long on Splash Screen after i updated to xCode 15.3. Eventually after 3-4 mins app does run but I could't trace reason for freeze since AppDelegate is not called.