How to access a directly attached UVC camera with AVPlayer?

On macOS Sonoma I have a SwiftUI app that correctly plays remote video files and local video files from the app bundle.

Where I'm having trouble is setting up the AVPlayer URL for a UVC camera device directly connected on the Mac.

let url = URL(string: "https://some-remote-video.mp4")!
    player = AVPlayer(url: url)

Is there some magic to using a UVC device with AVPlayer, or do I need to access the UVC device differently?

Thanks, Grahm

Accepted Reply

take a look at the AVCam sample code. It is for iOS, but most of it translates pretty well to macOS. You build a AVCaptureSession using your AVCaptureDevice, and set up a AVCapturePreviewLayer so you can see what it is producing. There is also older sample code kicking around which is more Mac-oriented, and some third-party samples on GitHub. Try searching for "macOS AVCaptureSession sample"


take a look at the AVCam sample code. It is for iOS, but most of it translates pretty well to macOS. You build a AVCaptureSession using your AVCaptureDevice, and set up a AVCapturePreviewLayer so you can see what it is producing. There is also older sample code kicking around which is more Mac-oriented, and some third-party samples on GitHub. Try searching for "macOS AVCaptureSession sample"