Where is help on Swift documentation markup?

I am reluctant to admit that I only came to know that Swift provides a builtin documentation markup syntax just a few months ago.

/** Test func

  Some description here.

  - Parameters:
      - b:Test
      - d: Test
      - f: Test

  - Returns: Bool

func myMethod(a b:Int, c d:Int, e f:Int) -> Bool { b > d }

It seems the markup is pretty simple and has only a few keywords. But, I want to read through the complete reference. Any useful pointers?

Accepted Reply

A very high level overview of the documentation comment syntax can be found here: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/docs/DocumentationComments.md

Additional documentation about the broader documentation syntax can be found in the DocC documentation https://www.swift.org/documentation/docc/formatting-your-documentation-content and in the related documentation linked to from that page.


You might find this useful... https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/documenting-apps-frameworks-and-packages

It isn't comment based.

A very high level overview of the documentation comment syntax can be found here: https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/docs/DocumentationComments.md

Additional documentation about the broader documentation syntax can be found in the DocC documentation https://www.swift.org/documentation/docc/formatting-your-documentation-content and in the related documentation linked to from that page.