CarPlay - Now Playing Top Buttons


Hi, I would like to know if exists any way to set an icon for up next button of the CPNowPlayingTemplate. I read the CPNowPlayingTemplate documentation and I saw that we can set a text for this button. An app how implements this is Apple Music:


Accepted Reply

Hi! If you enable the up next button on your now playing template via -[CPNowPlayingTemplate upNextButtonEnabled], AND you don't provide a title for the button via -[CPNowPlayingTemplate upNextTitle], then the system should render the same up next icon that appears in the image above. Can you give that a try?

  • Thanks for that It works on iOS 17 device and app compiled with Xcode 15, if I run the app on lower iOS version, the cpnowplayingtemplate shows the default text.

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Hi! If you enable the up next button on your now playing template via -[CPNowPlayingTemplate upNextButtonEnabled], AND you don't provide a title for the button via -[CPNowPlayingTemplate upNextTitle], then the system should render the same up next icon that appears in the image above. Can you give that a try?

  • Thanks for that It works on iOS 17 device and app compiled with Xcode 15, if I run the app on lower iOS version, the cpnowplayingtemplate shows the default text.

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