Error on commissioning step 'FindOperational' -CA certificate not found

Reproduction steps

Xcode15.1 iPhone14Pro/iOS16.3

commission with MatterSupport implementation

@objc class func commission(with setupPayload: MTRSetupPayload?) throws
        MTRLog("MatterSupport start request")
        let topology: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Topology = .init(
            ecosystemName: "SmartHome",
            homes: [
//                .init(displayName: "smart office"),
//                .init(displayName: "smart living"),
        let request = MatterAddDeviceRequest(
            topology: topology,
            setupPayload: setupPayload
                try await request.perform()
            } catch {
               throw error

Always failed with

Error on commissioning step 'FindOperational': '../../../../../../../../Sources/CHIPFramework/connectedhomeip/src/credentials/CHIPCert.cpp:488: CHIP Error 0x0000004A: CA certificate not found'

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