Unable change Photo permission on setting app

My app uses camera and photo library. I found that if a user follows certain steps, they will no longer be able to change the photo permissions for my app in the Settings app.

The steps are as follows

  1. Press the camera button in the app to launch the camera.
  2. Take a picture with camera permissions granted.
  3. grant ".addOnly" permission to the photo library.
  4. Press the photo library button in the app to read photo library.
  5. Deny ".readWrite" permission to the photo library.

After step 5, the Settings app only shows items to switch ".addOnly" permissions, but not ".readWrite" permissions. I am aware that in iOS14 or later, the permission required after a photo is taken with the camera should be ".addOnly". Therefore, I suspect that this problem is occurring in other apps.

So far I have devised my app to deal with this problem, but is this the expected behavior of the Settings app? If so, how can I avoid this problem?

Unable change Photo permission on setting app