How can you run Instruments/Logger with a TestFlight app?

If I try to run Instrument's logger for an app downloaded from TestFlight it says

"Permission to debug app name was denied".

"Recover Suggestion: The app must be debuggable and signed with 'get-task-allow'.

How do you make the app debuggable? (I tried creating an archive with the scheme set to Debug, but after uploading that to TestFlight, it doesn't appear. So presumably its not possible to upload an app built with debug scheme builds to TF?).

Therefore how can I make a TF build debuggable?, and how to sign it with get-task-allow?

Does it have to be a developer distribution .ipa rather than a TestFlight build to enable Instruments/Logger to run it?


I've had the impression that instruments only worked with apps running from xcode.

Some instruments in the Instruments application can be used on arbitrary processes, so you could use them to analyze even production builds. However, other instruments give you very detailed insights into the execution of a process (e.g. its memory layout) and making this kind of data available is a security risk. Therefore, this kind of access to a process' internals is only possible for processes launched from a "debuggable" executable, whereas "debuggable" means the executable has theget-task-allow entitlement.

Executables built and installed by Xcode directly will have this entitlement and thus be "debuggable". Note that this is independent of the "Build Configuration" you use. You can make a "Release"-build in Xcode and it will still have that entitlement and thus be "debuggable" and fully analyzable in Instruments. In fact, that's what happens when you use the Product -> Profile action in Xcode: Xcode build in the "Release" build configuration to get the most performant version of your application and then hands the resulting binary over to Instruments for analysis.

The "Archive" action in Xcode doesn't add the get-task-allow entitlement as an "archived" executable is meant for distribution not for analysis and debugging. You can check the entitlements of a binary using

codesign -dvvv --entitlements=- <path-to-target-binary>

Then in the output look for If it's there it is "debuggable", otherwise it's not. If being able to create a "debuggable" binary via the Archive action for distribution would be useful for you, please file a feedback describing your use-case.

tl;dr: Only binaries installed (and potentially signed) by Xcode are "debuggable" for the purpose of this question. Simply run your app from Xcode and profile that instead of targeting the TestFlight build.

  • Thank you for the explanation. Yes, being able to create a debuggable binary would be useful because I'm running a React Native app, and how it behaves, especially on launch/startup is different as when running via Xcode the RN javascript bundle resides on the Mac, but gets copied to the phone during installation from an archive, and this makes a big difference when trying to debug bugs occurring at start up, and examine times on app launch etc.

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