Blend shape manipulation of an usdz file in VisionOS


I would like to manipulate blend shapes of a usdz file in VisionOS, but I can not figure out how I could do that. In SceneKit it was a piece of cake with SCNNode and morphs, but with Entity class I got stuck.

is it even possible? (I would be very disappointed if not)

Accepted Reply

RealityKit doesn't currently support blendshapes which is stated here:

Currently, it would only be possible to either use a custom geometry modifier to apply the vertex offsets interpolated over time through set_model_position_update or using a MeshResource update routine to transform the vertices. Most of my animations are procedural, so I haven't yet tried to get the blendshape offsets and weights from the USD file, which would then need to be uploaded through a uniform. There doesn't seem to have any exposed getter akin to jointTranforms.

  • thank you! btw, I hope Apple solve this soon. It was so good and easy in SceneKit

  • Just to further clarify, custom materials are not actually supported in Vision OS, so you would need to do this through a shader graph. It is possible to run custom metal shaders through a compositor layer, but that doesn't integrate with RealityKit and requires a custom renderer.

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RealityKit doesn't currently support blendshapes which is stated here:

Currently, it would only be possible to either use a custom geometry modifier to apply the vertex offsets interpolated over time through set_model_position_update or using a MeshResource update routine to transform the vertices. Most of my animations are procedural, so I haven't yet tried to get the blendshape offsets and weights from the USD file, which would then need to be uploaded through a uniform. There doesn't seem to have any exposed getter akin to jointTranforms.

  • thank you! btw, I hope Apple solve this soon. It was so good and easy in SceneKit

  • Just to further clarify, custom materials are not actually supported in Vision OS, so you would need to do this through a shader graph. It is possible to run custom metal shaders through a compositor layer, but that doesn't integrate with RealityKit and requires a custom renderer.

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