"File not found error" for some users on iCloud Drive for iOS

I have an iOS app, based on the Documents Browser. That app has an iCloud folder, following all the instructions (NSUbiquitousContainers dict in Info.plist, and so on). As far as I can tell, it works for most of the users.

But some users report that, after creating a file in the document browser window, they meet a "file not found" error and the app does not load the file.

As far as I can tell:

  • the files are created (the counter is incremented, I've see error with "Untitled 3: file not found").
  • FileManager() sees the files in question.
  • somewhere inside the app, opening this file fails.

How can I fix this? I'm not sure about the prevalence, but it seems to be rare but very annoying for the affected users.