SwiftData Predicates and .contains(where: )


I have the following predicate used in a SwiftData Query:

#Predicate<Item> {
    searchText.isEmpty || $0.myarray.contains(where: {

Even though this compiles, I get the unsupportedKeyPath error in the logs:

Query encountered an error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError(_error: SwiftData.SwiftDataError._Error.unsupportedKeyPath)

I thought I could use .contains(where:) inside predicates, but this doesn't work. What could be the problem?

Item.myarray is an array of a Codable struct type, and searchText is a String.


Did you try to explicit the second $0 ?

searchText.isEmpty || $0.myarray.contains { item in item.text.localizedStandardContains(searchText) }

@Claude31 Yes, I tried that. I also thought it could be the $0 but it still doesn't work :(

I do have a workaround that I might implement (moving the text in the parent class), but I'm also wondering what could be the problem here.

Could it be related to Item.myarray's type (an array of structs that conform to Codable)?