Separate each paragraph in a list


I'd like to separate each paragraph of a text in a list, I'm trying to find how to do it, I know it's certainly a dumb question but I'm new at coding, please be kind haha, may someone help me?

thanks a million


Welcome to the forum.

You should show the code you tried so far, that's much easier to build a precise answer.

You want to separate in a List. SwiftUI List ?

Let's try any way.

How are paragraphs delimited ? By a newLine character (\n) ?

If so, here is a way to do it:

let myLongText = """
this is a text with several paragraphs.
I want to split them into distinct paragraphs.
I'd like to separate each paragraph of a text in a list, I'm trying to find how to do it, I know it's certainly a dumb question but I'm new at coding, please be kind haha, may someone help me?

let paragraphArray = myLongText.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.newlines)

In SwiftUI code, you would use as follows:

struct ContentView: View {
    let myLongText =
this is a text with several paragraphs.
I want to split them into distinct paragraphs.
I'd like to separate each paragraph of a text in a list, I'm trying to find how to do it, I know it's certainly a dumb question but I'm new at coding, please be kind haha, may someone help me?
    @State var paragraphArray: [String] = []
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            List(paragraphArray, id: \.self) { line in Text("\(line)") }
            Button(action: {
                paragraphArray = myLongText.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.newlines)
            }) {

And get:

If that answers your question, don't forget to close the thread by marking the answer as correct.

Otherwise, please explain the problem.