Missing image. Your app's asset catalog is missing the visionOS App Icon

i'm struggling to get my app through validation for visionOS. I'm not sure why I'm getting this as all of the appIcons are filled.


Have you added a new "visionOS App Icon" item to your asset catalog? visionOS uses a different asset catalog item type than the "App Icon" used by macOS, iOS, and watchOS.

See Create an app icon for details on adding a new icon.

Hope that helps.

Yes, I've added a visionOS App Icon. I used three images of 1024 by 1024 to create the icon. It's in my asset catalog. I read through "create an app icon."

Does the built app's Info.plist reference the correct name? It should contain the following:


Does the Assets.car in your built app contain references to the icon? You can list the contents with the following command:

xcrun --sdk xros assetutil --info <path to app>/Assets.car

The JSON output should have an entry with "Name" : "AppIcon" and a list of "Layers" containing data for each image.

If the Info.plist or Assets.car don't look correct, that would help identify next steps. If they both reference AppIcon (and especially if the icon is displayed on Vision Pro), please file a bug report with Feedback Assistant

After spending two days on trying to solve this problem I eventually did by just rebuilding the whole app from scratch. I'm sure somewhere in the code the directories were wrong but I couldn't find it.