WatchOS app launched by tapping an associated file

In iPhone, if you open Files app and tap on an associated file type, its corresponding app is launched. I have implemented this functionality in my iOS SwiftUI app - associated a file type - .csk, with my iOS app and handled its launch using the onOpenURL(perform:) modifier.

WindowGroup {
        .onOpenURL(perform: { (fileUrl: URL) in

            Log(String(format: "File Url = %@", fileUrl.absoluteString))
            // Update UI with the content of the file

I want to achieve the same for my watchOS app. I noticed that the UTExportedTypesDeclaration key, which is used to declare the file types created and owned by the app, is not available for watchOS. But the CFBundleDocumentTypes key, which is used to associate a file type with the app is available. So, I expect my app to respond to taps on those associated file types, but I've run into a snag. There is no Files app in AppleWatch nor is there a way to view my iCloud storage. I have my .csk file (which is associated with the watchOS app) in iCloud.

So, how can I test this launch? How can an AppleWatch user tap a file and view it in his app? It should be possible to handle file launches since CFBundleDocumentTypes is available for watchOS.